Monday, 2/5/07
Copy homework into assignment book.
Pretest 8A.

Tom Sawyer  Chapter 13. (to p91)

 Time to write for 600 words. Topic Ideas:

  1. (T) Invent a new game show. Who's the host? What are the stunts/questions? How/What do you win?
  2. (P) How would the world be different if school were not compulsory until age 18? Show both "good" and bad effects.
  3. (T) Step by step: How to impress your teacher/get an A. (Could be sarcastic...)
  4. (T) Invent a new kind of furniture. Show how it would be used.
  5. (E/P-S) Which PE activities have been the best? Why? Worst? Why? Give suggestions for improving the PE program.
  6. (P-S) The problem is: Math (English, SS, etc.) is boring. Here's why, and my solutions are:
  7. (T) Write directions for how to do something--big or small. Variation: Put the directions in the voice of a character (Huck, an alien, your imaginary friend, Two-Bit, etc...)
  8. (P-S) Write a letter to the city council giving suggestions for what they could do to give kids in SLO more to do. Show them why your ideas are good, and anticipate what objections they might have.