Friday, 2/23/07
Prepare sheet for Test 2/23/07. Be sure to include your extra credit from the sentence scrambles on Tuesday (2/20).
Mental Floss
  1. All the W's are the same letter, all the X'x are the same letter, all the 1's are the same letter, and so on. Figure out the six words.

  2. 1. The hunters set a WXYZ for the hare. How else were they to enjoy its succulent 1234 ?
    2. They all listened in XYZW attention as their leader spoke and motivated them to work as a 4231.
    3. There will always be a small ZYXW of wildness in a cat, though it is considered to be a 4312 animal today.
  3. A magazine competition invited people to come up with "invented" inventions of the cyber-age. For example, a solar powered clothes drier (a rope) and a hand-held word processor (a pencil). Can you guess what this one is?



    It is a portable arcade. A hand-held amusement resource with no cartridges or batteries. Access games of speed, dexterity, memory, cunning. Produce magical effects or construct lofty towers. Some games can increase your income.

  5. If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?
  6. Spell the word candy with just 2 letters.
  7. What row of numbers comes next?

  8.       1