Monday, 11/18/13 - Late Start Schedule.
If you brought your experiment, use the green tape to put it up on the whiteboard under the clock. Make sure your name is on it so you get credit for being early.
Copy homework into assignment book.

I. Warm Up. With your partner, use your spelling list and the list below to decide the meaning of each root/prefix. Write the answers on your pink spelling sheet.
You will use each meaning once.
Correct after.
a) to break  b) to mark or seal  c) to go toward, to seek, to try for  d) to cut  e) mindful  f) to bear, carry, or bring  g) nature  h) to loosen or free  i) to decide or judge  j) together/with  k) above/beneath

II. Pink Sheet: Apostrophes. Do SOLO.
Correct after Part A. I will check part B tomorrow during the warm up, so it's homework if you don't finish.

Finished early? I doubt it, but if so, do the following quiz on a new, clean sheet in your notebook. I know some are reruns, but that's ok. You can even use your previous quiz to get the answers.
"MoMS Quiz" Write the ANSWER.
  1. The meaning of the word scapegoat originated with a real goat.  a) True  b) False
  2. Always taking the same route to school is a good example of an idiosyncrasy.  a) True  b) False
  3. In the word insomnia, the prefix in- means able to.  a) True  b) False
  4. In the word prejudice, the prefix pre- means before.  a) True  b) False
  5. What do the people of Maple Street think the UFO is at first?  a) An alien spacecraft.  b) A low-flying plane.  c) A meteor.  d) A huge weather balloon.  e) None of the above.
  6. (p247) "It's a tree-lined, quiet residential American street..."  a) exposition  b) inciting action  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) theme  f) climax  g) simile  h) conflict
  7. What would be the inciting incident of our story?
  8. What would be our main conflict?
  9. This story is being told in ______ person.  a) 1st  b) 2nd  c) 3rd  d) 4th
  10. The climax of the story was when...
  11. "There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices..."  a) climax  b) theme  c) conflict  d) irony  e) point of view
  12. "Their world is full of Maple Streets. And we'll go from one to the other and let them destroy themselves."  a) exposition  b) inciting action  c) resolution  d) rising action  e) climax 
  13. "Why, it's like going back to the dark ages or something."  a) climax  b) flashback  c) protagonist  d) irony  e) metaphor  f) theme  g) resolution
  14. Who are the "monsters"?   a) Figure One and Figure Two  b) The people of the Twilight Zone.  c) The people of Maple Street.  d) Whoever sent the ship.  e) NOTA.
  15. (BONUS) The script called originally said that the aliens should not be shown, that their form should be merely "hinted at." Why might the director of the tv version have decided to show us what they look like? (Hint: What did they look like?)