  • Topic Stuff
  • A Rough Draft Outline
  • Title Page:
    •     title
    •     date turned in
    •     name
    •     period
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction and Conclusion
  • Five to six pages of text (size 12-14 for text, 1.5 spacing, .5" margins)
  • Illustrations, photos, charts, graphs as appropriate (2) 
  • At least Five sources of at least Three different kinds
    • Extra Credit for use of at least one PRIMARY source.
  • In-text citation (see sample)
  • "Works Cited" page (see sample)
Due Dates
· Notes #1 (two+ good sources, notes—source and page numbers included), thesis statement, "works cited" list, rough draft outline):_______________
· Notes #2 (four+ sources, "works cited" page, notes, rough T.O.C.):______________________
· Rough Draft (with headings of sections, completed "works cited" page, graphics?):______________
· Final Draft (typed, proofread, all requirements met):     ___________
Notes. See the example below:
· Write each of your major questions (sections of your paper; I, II, III, etc.) on separate pages (cards). Take notes in answer to each on the appropriate pages.Check the keyword note taking handout for examples. Include "juicy" quotes selectively and always be able to cite the source. See the attached example.
· Always write your bibliographic information down first; you can always cross that source off later.
· Number your list of sources and number the corresponding notes so you always know from what source your information came.
· Sign up for use of the INFOTRACK to search for magazine articles. Fill out the brightly-colored magazine request slips.
Make sure you write the page numbers of the article you need!
1Question 1: What are school districts doing to educate students about alcohol use and abuse?

1.  Write each of your questions on a separate card (or cards).
2.  These are notes from sources
3.  All notes that refer to or help answer the question go on the same card(s).
  • 4.  This is the number of the source where you took the information. This number should refer to your Works Cited list. Be sure to record the page numbers where you found the information.
    Try not to use more than 1 sheet of paper or two note cards per section. (Really!)
  • Keyword/phrase notes will help you avoid plagiarism.
  • Avoid copying of sentences (except pieces you are going to quote) at all costs!
  • Add appropriate quotes where necessary. (no more than one or two per page at most).

  • Your paper will sound much more like you.