Tuesday, 1/9: SAWs+, Maus, 120 Seconds Begins!

“SAWs+, 1/9.” contact, prime, pose, minimum, (un)monitored, anthropomorphic, propaganda

  1. (2) The _____ height requirement ____(ed) a problem for my little brother, who wanted to ride the extreme coaster, but was too short.
  2. There was ____ on the play, but not enough to call a penalty.
  3. It was very sad that the young man was killed in the _____ of his life.
  4. Please do not leave the campfire _____. It can turn dangerous quickly.
  5. Remembering the P part of CRAAP will help you recognize ______ when you see it.
  6. Goofy is _____, while Pluto is not.
  7. I hoped everyone is ____(ed) for their 120 Seconds and ready to nail it!
  8. The test was closely ____, so nobody could cheat.
  9. The morph in anthropomorphic means…
  10. The anthro in anthropomorphic means…


“Maus Log II, 1/9.” Open Book, Open Neighbor. (12p)

  1. (2) What things does Artie say have “taken their toll” on his father?
  2. What physical sign does Vladek still have from the concentration camps?
  3. Why is Chapter One called “The Sheik”?  (Because…)
  4. On p14, the circular panel marks the beginning of Vladek’s story in the past. Where do we first interrupt that story, and come back to the present for a moment? (page and panel)
  5. Maus is told in ____ person. a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 4th
  6. What year did Vladek meet Anja? (p17)
    Character ID. Identify each person either by name (if given) or by explanation.
  7. p13, panel 4, the one in the dress.
  8. (2) p17, panel 2, both characters.
  9. p20, panel 1, the person with the cigarette.
  10. p20, last panel, the person on the right.

Artie, Vladek, Anja, Lucia Greenberg, Anja’s mom, Mala


120 Seconds!


Time left? More Vladek!

Monday, 1/8: Homework, SAWs, 120 Review, Comix?

Copy homework into planner.

“SAWs +, 1/8.” contact, prime, pose, minimum, (un)monitored + anthropomorphic, propaganda
contact, prime, pose, minimum, (un)monitored + anthropomorphic, propaganda




120 Seconds begins tomorrow!  Review.



Maus by Art Spiegelman. Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1992. It took him 13 years.

“Maus Log I – 1/8/18”   Read the first two pages:

    • Translate his father’s last sentence into a normal English sentence.  What does he mean?



Aloud. Chapter One. Drama style with parts.


Thursday, 2/23: Commas, Vocab + Relay, INTERVIEWS!

Tomorrow’s Test: Commas, Vocab, Vladek, Husker Du.

Finish Vladek’s story.

“Vocab, 2/23.”
  16c51727932d19ecb4b4085293d8cbab office-smell-wars

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. After he missed the tying field goal, the kicker was _____.
  7. When the little girl gets tired, she gets ____, and pouts about everything. (Not dejected.)
  8. Mr. Coward’s student assistant is not happy about Jhonny’s less than _____ papers. They are very difficult to decipher, and scores might get entered incorrectly.
  9. The light in the room didn’t seem to come from any one source; it just sort of ______(ed)  the walls, casting a soft glow.
  10. It is taking us awhile to ______ the concepts of compound and complex sentences.
  11. (2) When your sadness is _____(ed), your soul has found ___. (Awww.)


Vocab Relay!

Go get a Chromie! Begin Writing  Biographical Sketch. The final draft is due next Thursday, 3/2.

NOT PREPARED TODAY? Do extra credit vocab sentences in your notebook…except they aren’t extra credit. Due tomorrow.

Create a Google Doc First! We will print it and copy it to your blog on Thursday!  

Wednesday, 2/22: Commas, Vocab, Vladek

“Commas, 2/22!”

  1. If you don’t already know today we’re going to learn to cut and paste kids!
  2. Lloyd the llama author of a best-selling book and renowned rocket scientist was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize for Poetry.
  3. The llama that she rode to the wedding looked very pretty.
  4. The llama jerky was soft but satisfying.
  5. Because the llama missed the bus he was late for his very important appointment.
  6. Please no smoking food or beverages in the classroom!
  7. Most of the time travelers worry about their luggage getting lost.
  8. I played video games for hours with my friend the llama.
  9. Sid waited for the llama to arrive so he could get a ride in his hot new Camaro.
  10. commas


“Vocab, 2/22.”

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. The man finally ______(ed) his intense thirst with a drink from the fountain.
  7. The smell of brownies _____ the house and made me very hungry.
  8. The goal of immigrants used to be _____(ion), but these days people are proud of their differences.
  9. With more than 24,000 locations, Subway sandwich places are _____.
  10. (2) Whenever she was _____, she always seemed to find _____ in her music.



Tuesday, 2/21: Copy Homework, Commas(!), Debrief Test 23, Art Spiegelman

Copy homework into assignment book.


Do Part A on pink sheet. Use the caret symbol to show where the commas go.

Debrief Test #23.  Hrrrrrmmmm.

Listening Exercise: Art Spiegelman interview excerpt. (1:30-3:07)
Questions to listen for answers for.

  1. What do you think the opening quote about the 5000 pound mouse means?
  2. How does Spiegelman feel about Maus being taught everywhere in schools?
  3. According to Spiegelman, what is the real purpose of Maus?
  4. Why does he say comics are an especially good form for showing memories?
  5. What do you think the word ubiquitous means?

