Friday, 11/15: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #13

TuTu Schedule.

Prep Sheet for Test #12: (First Change it to Test #12. LOL)
KBARR?:___/6   Vladek Quizzes: ___/10  Sheet Scores: ___/9  ___/6  Sheet Quizzes: ___/8  ___/6  
Other Extra Credit:

Mental Floss.

  1. Which one of the following does not belong with the others? Why? (Not a trick. Must get the reason correct.)
    binoculars, eyeglasses, goggles, handlebars, jeans, pliers, scissors, shoes, tweezers
  2. Where can you finish reading several books before you finish even one sentence?
  3. How many sides does a circle have? Explain.
  4. I have three of the same digit. Put together they make twelve. The digit is not 4. What digit is it?
  5. What is the English word that can be formed using all these letters? PNLLEEEESSSSS.


Test #12. Doodle Theme: A new toy.

Thursday, 11/14: Phrase/Clause, RBC: Public Notice, Vladek

Tomorrow’s Test: Phrase/Clause, RBC: WebPage, Vladek, Reruns. Preview after Period 4.

“Phrase/Clause, 11/14.” Copy and Match. ANSWER NOT LETTER.
While llamas can be cute, I once had a bad experience with a llama, and I am afraid to meet one of them.
a) Independent Clause  b) Dependent Clause  c) Prepositional Phrase  d) NOTA

  1. with a llama _____
  2. I am afraid _____
  3. while llamas can be cute _____
  4. of them _____
  5. I once had a bad experience_____
  6. to meet one _____
    a) noun  b) adjective  c) verb  d) adverb  e) preposition  f) pronoun  g) NOTA
  7. them _____
  8. and _____
  9. with_____
  10. am _____


Correct RBC Public Notice. (7)

RBC Public Notice, 11/14.” Write the answer NOT the letter. (8p)

  1. There are classes for kids of all ages under 18.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  2. You have to be able to swim to sign up for the swim classes. a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  3. You have to have your own cleats and shin guards to sign up for soccer.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  4. You have to have your own musical instrument to be in the jazz band.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  5. You have to be able to speak English to participate in the activities.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  6. Which of the activities do(es) not say it requires parental permission?  a) soccer  b) swimming  c) band  d) band and soccer  e) They all require parental permission.
  7. (2) What are two things you could do to find more info about the classes?



“Maus Quiz, 11/14.” (6)

  1. p38, panel 4, the one with the black hat
  2. (2) p39, the pig – name and job
  3.  (Quote) Why doesn’t Vladek tell the young doctor about his left eye?
  4. p48, panel 2, the one with the beard
  5. How does the German officer know that Vladek isn’t used to physical labor?
  6.  (BONUS) Artie very often shows Vladek telling his story as he pedals his exercise bike. What does this probably symbolize?


Read aloud to at least the end of Chapter 3.  (LINK to ONLINE VERSION.)

What is up with Vladek in the pig mask?


Wednesday, 11/13: Phrase/Clause, Math, Vladek

“Phrases/Clauses, 11/13.” Either copy the sentence and label the parts below, or copy and fill in 1,2,3 appropriately.
Although they sometimes spit, I like llamas in shoes, so I bought one on Amazon.

  1. (2) Independent Clauses:
  2. Dependent Clause:
  3. (2) Prepositional Phrases:

Correct RBC Math. (9)

“RBC Math Quiz.” (5)

  1. What did the lesson suggest you do about recording the differences in scores?
  2. What year was the difference the smallest?
  3. (2) What two verbs give the objectives of the lesson?
  4. What’s wrong with this sentence? “The data does not lie.”

Maus, 11/13.” (10)

  1. Why does Anja want to break her relationship with Vladek before they married?
  2. Why does Vladek threaten to break the marriage with Anja?
  3. What promise to his father does Artie break?
    Artie, Vladek, Anja, Mala, Mr. Z, Mrs. Z (Anja’s parents)
  4.  p13, panel 4, the one in the dress.
  5.  p17, panel 1, the one on the left.
  6.  p18, last panel, the one talking.
  7.  p21, last panel, the one talking.
  8. p29, panel 5, the one in the middle
  9. p31, panel 6, the person with the cigarette.
  10. p33, panel 4, the closeup.
    BONUS: The roots of the adjective anthropomorphic literally mean: ______  _______


Read aloud. New Character needed. German (cats).   (LINK to ONLINE VERSION.) We’ll try to get to about p50.

Tuesday, 11/12: Homework, Clauses/Phrases, Maus

Copy homework into planner:

  • KBAR: Chart Only for Period 1 and 6.
  • RBC (Reading Beyond the Classroom!)  Packet. Not available online.
    • Tuesday Night: p364-365
    • Wednesday Night: p368-369
    • Thursday Night: p370-371

“Phrases/Clauses, 11/12.”

  1. Copy on the middle of the line. (Notice that there is no punctuation.) I like llamas
  3. Add a DEPENDENT  CLAUSE on one side.
  4. Add an INDEPENDENT CLAUSE to the whole thing. (What else do you have to do to do that?)
  5. Add PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE to the new independent clause.
  6. Punctuate as needed.

Debrief Test #11. Hrrrmmm.  Manana…

“Maus” intro.

What does the word anthropomorphic mean? (Yes it will be a vocab word too!)

What do you already know (think you know) about the Nazis and Adolph Hitler?


Maus by Art Spiegelman. Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1992. It took him 13 years.  (LINK to ONLINE VERSION.)

Czestochowa, Rudolph Valentino, gefilte fish, Nazi Invasion of Poland

Why do you think he decided to portray everyone as animals?


“Maus, 11/12.”
a) Read the first two pages:

    • Translate his father’s last sentence into a normal English sentence.
    • What does he mean?

b) What is your first impression of Vladek?


Aloud. Chapter One. Drama style with parts.

Artie: Art Spiegelman, author/artist, son of Vladek and Anja, storyteller

Vladek: Vladek Spiegelman, Artie’s dad, Anja’s husband, survivor of the camps, his story is being told

Anja Spiegelman (nee Zylberberg): Artie’s mom, Vladek’s wife, also a survivor, committed suicide when Art was in his 20’s

Mala: Vladek’s current wife after Anja committed suicide 

The Zylberbergs: Anja’s family, rich, Vladek’s in-laws

Lucia Greenberg: Vladek’s first girlfriend


Friday, 11/8: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #11

TuTu Schedule.

Have a great 3-day weekend!

Prep sheet for Test #11:
KBARR:___/24   SMYK:___/10  Alyce Quiz 11-5: ___/9      Other Extra Credit:

Mental Floss.

  1. Wacky Wordy: What phrase is represented by the following?
    look kool XtXhXeXsXtXrXeXeXtX
  2. What musical instruments are represented below?
    a)  P O     b)  BA BA    c)  ECLART     d)  @ # $ %
  3. Add together each of the defined words to get a whole new word.
    Example: to shout + what you say when you feel pain = yellow.
    a) A light brown color + to leave = ____
    b) Vehicle + an animal pal = _____
    c) A store’s announcement of a sale + a type of women’s clothing  = ______
  4. What does the following group of statements represent?  (2 word answer ending in -s. It’s sort of a Wacky Wordy too.)
    Jenni drowned Frosted Flakes.  Isaiah buried Cap’n Crunch six feet under.  Stephanie threw Rice Krispies off a cliff.  Emma shot Cocoa Puffs.

Test 11.
Doodle Theme: Alien Invasion.