Tuesday, 5/23 (11): Click It, Vocab, Correct Bob, Yee #3


“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”  –Mark Twain

What does he really mean?

“old age sticks” by ee cummings.

Grab your clicker and click in Test #31. Yes, I know… You all get 3 of them for free. Lucky you.

“Vocab, 5/23.” Two words twice.


Correct Bob:

  1. Read p445 – p450 in BOB. (“The Crossover.”)
  2. Do all ANNOTATIONS on the side margins.
  3. Do p451.
  4. Do p452: 2,3,4,6

Yee #3. Use your own sheet of paper with name, date, and period and TITLE.

  1. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This is the most famous line of the _____________(what), which was signed in ________(where – city, state) on ________ (when – M/D/Y).
  2. There are some historians who say that President Roosevelt might have known in advance that the ________(who) would _________(do what/where). But he couldn’t have known that it would happen on ______ (when – M/D/Y), a day many people compare 9/11/01 to.
  3. Astronomically speaking, a day is the time it takes for the earth to________, and a year is the time it takes for the earth to ______. (You may also draw a labeled diagram.)
  4. (Copy.) preface : _______ :: appendix : end
  5. (Copy.) 10% of 30 = _______
  6. (Copy.) 21/30 = ______% = ______(letter grade)
  7. List the appropriately spelled homonyms in order..
    Well, ____ at it again; ____ goes another one of ____strange vehicles.
  8. Copy and label each word with its part of speech.

He was a very scary bear, and we beat a hasty retreat from his lair.

“AlternaYEE, 5/23.” Palindromes. EXAMPLES:  “Racecar.” “A nut for a jar of tuna.” “Do geese see God?” “Otto.”

  1. If that __ __ __ doesn’t stop barking, I may have to __ __ __ him.
  2. The baby bird opened one __ __ __ and made a little __ __ __ __ .
  3. Say yes or no, ___ ___ ___ ‘___ ___ ___ ___. (2 words together.)
  4. The two Eskimos paddled along in a __ __ __ __ __ .
  5. Are you going to __ __ __ __ __ __ __ the living room? I hate that grubby old wallpaper.



Monday, 5/22: Homework, “The Crossover,” Vocab

MONDAY, 5/22.

Welcome Guest Teacher!

Third Period will face my wrath tomorrow!

Copy homework into planner:

  • Vocab Due Tuesday and Thursday.
    • Defn. due Tuesday
    • SMYK due Wednesday

  1. Read p445 – p450 in BOB. (“The Crossover.”)
  2. Do all ANNOTATIONS on the side margins.
  3. Do p451.
  4. Do p452: 2,3,4,6
  5. Finished? Copy vocab below and begin . I will have sheets tomorrow. No Chromebook? Use an old-school one.


Due Tuesday: Look up definitions at learnersdictionary.com and write them IN YOUR NOTEBOOK! 

Due THURSDAY: Copy and finish the Show Me You Know Sentences in your notebook.

stolid, reconcile, loiter, abashed, cipher, labyrinth, forsake, vogue, gaudy, conjecture, magnanimous

Show Me You Know. Due Thursday.

He was so stolid…   I tried to reconcile with…  He was loitering…   She felt abashed…  It was a difficult cipher…   We got lost in the labyrinth…   She felt forsaken…   It was in vogue…  His outfit was rather gaudy…   The people of the village conjectured…   The millionaire was magnanimous…

Still Time? Read and do the same with “Double Doubles” p457-459.

Friday, 5/19: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #31

Welcome Guest Teacher (again).

Prep Sheet for Test #31.

SMYK:___/10  RBC Application: ___/15   RBC Public Notice: ___/16  RBC Remote: ___/13

English B: ___/5  Thank You Ma’am: ___/15



Mental Floss.

  1. The cost of making only the maker knows,
    Valueless if bought, but sometimes traded.
    A poor man may give one as easily as a king.
    When one is broken, pain and deceit are assured.
    What am I?
  2. What word is missing? begin, inch, chapel, elastic, ___  ___  ___, cellar, arisen, end
  3. Wacky Wordy:
    NO NO NO
  4. Although much water you see,
    by definition, “desert” fits me.
    In the winter I double in size,
    but staying away is a word for the wise.
    I am very windy, that is a clue,
    What am I? Good luck to you. (Alert: geography.)
  5. There is one word in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it?
  6. How can you make the following equation correct without changing it at all? 8 + 8 = 91
  7. What property do 1, 2, 6, and 10 all have that no other whole number has?



Test #31

Thursday, 5/18: RBC, Vocab, BOB

Welcome Guest Teacher! Remember that each class needs to earn 10/10 for behavior and cooperation in order to be rewarded. Anything <8 will result in “consequences.”

Tomorrow’s Test: RBC Reruns, Vocab Reruns, TYM, Police Stop, English B. Preview Here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J4H6g7h6PsFhSftiHT7jeAZxEFC085HG6vlGpr55Kc8/edit?usp=sharing


  1. What is the label of the key you would press first to make the Setup menu appear on the screen?   a) TIMER b) MENU c) SELECT d) ENTER e) TV
  2. Once you’re at the Setup menu, what is the label for the key you would press to get to the other menus, such as Timer Setup? (Use the diagram!)   a) TIMER b) MENU c) SELECT d) ENTER e) TV
  3. What key would you press to get back to watching The Simpsons when you’re finished setting the timer? (Use the diagram.)  a) TIMER b) MENU c) SELECT d) ENTER e) TV
  4. Which is the answer to #4 on p 372?   a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) NOTA
  5. The warning says that the timer will only work if you have already set the TV clock. a) True b) False
  6. Which of these words should you NOT have circled in response to #1 on p372?   a) Quit. b) Press c) Select d) Repeat e) You should have circled all of them.

“Vocab, 5/18.”


  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. The root of this root was “a bend.”
  5. The root of this word meant “peace.”
  6. The root of this word meant “known.”
  7. The root of this word meant “deserving approval.”
  8. The roots of this word meant “evil days.”
  9. The origin of this word had to do with fruit.
  10. The root of this word meant “view.”
  11. The root of this word meant “spending.”
  12. This word would be an synonym for our previous vocab word boon.

Finish Reading “A Police Stop…” p183-186.

Then Do in BOB:

  1. p187
  2. p188 – 1,3,4,5
  3. p190-192


Done with all?


Madlib: madlib3

Wednesday, 5/17: YEE #2, RBC Public Notice, Vocab, BOB

REMEMBER: I will be gone tomorrow and Friday. You all need a 10/10 both days from the sub!

Yee #2.

Checking RBC 368-369 (6p)

“RBC Public Notice, 5/17.” Write the answer NOT the letter. (10p)  Collaborative.

  1. There are classes for kids of all ages under 18.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  2. You have to be able to swim to sign up for the swim classes. a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  3. Which class would it probably be smart to sign up early for?
  4. Why?
  5. You have to have your own cleats and shin guards to sign up for soccer.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  6. You have to have your own musical instrument to be in the jazz band.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  7. You have to be able to speak English to participate in the activities.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  8. Which of the activities do(es) not say it requires parental permission?  a) soccer  b) swimming  c) band  d) band and soccer  e) They all require parental permission.
  9. (2) What are two things you could do to find more info about the classes?


Total up and record RBC sheets.

Checking SMYK.

“Vocab, 5/17.” Each used once. Two used twice.



Correct TYM Quiz.

Begin Reading “A Police Stop…” p183