Wednesday, 11/8: Debrief Test #11, Vocab Review, POV, RBC, Slides, Maus

Tomorrow’s Test: RBC Web Page, Vocab, Alyce, Pov, Maus. Preview after Period 2.

Debrief Test #11.  Highs and Lows…

“Vocab, 11/8.”a) adversary b) aplomb c) banish d) grueling e) perceive f) disdain g) aghast h) diminish i) exhilarate

  1. One of the themes of The Outsiders is that what you ______ is not necessarily what the reality is.
  2. The amount of crime _____(ed) when police started patrolling the neighborhood more often.
  3. The root origin of this word meant “turned against.”  ________
    a) derive b) disreputable c) validate d) tantalize e) contrived f) dignity g) skeptical h) abide i) competent j) relevant
  4. The root of this word was Old French for “imagine or create.” _____
  5. The root of this word meant “made legal.” _____
    a) apprehensive b) tumultuous c) intrigue d) benevolent  e) wheedle  f) sift  g) stanch  h) sham  i) enhance j) staunch
  6. The root of this word meant “to seize or grasp.”_____
  7. The root of this word meant “elevate.”_____
  8. The root of this word meant “embarrassment.”_____
  9. The root of this meant “noisy.” _____
    a) heedless  b) dawdle  c) sundry  d) glutton  e) begrudge  f) stupefy  g) compliant  h) teem  i) privy  j) bounty
  10. The dance floor _____(ed) with people when the DJ started up.
  11. There are times to be _____ as well as times to be resistant.
  12. I do not _____ you your victory; you worked hard to achieve it.

“POV, 11/8.” Choose the appropriate POV.
1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person limited, 3rd person objective, 3rd person omniscient

  1. Deposit .25 and turn the knob.
  2. “I got this,” Jimmy thought confidently approaching the house not knowing the llama knew he was coming and was ready for him.
  3. “I don’t understand why the Socs hate us.”
  4. Jane Sharp was not then talking of Alyce but of herself; Alyce should have known.
  5. “In tonight’s news; three people injured in a fight at the high school.”
  6. When receiving your order, please check all items. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it to us within 21 days of receipt.
  7. The llama said, “I like corn dogs.” Jimmy nodded. The llama smiled.
  8. Claudia was furious. She refused to look at Jamie again and instead stared at the statue, thinking bad thoughts and wondering what Jamie was thinking.

Correct RBC Public Notice.

RBC Public Notice, 11/8.” Write the answer NOT the letter. (8p)

  1. There are classes for kids of all ages under 18.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  2. You have to be able to swim to sign up for the swim classes. a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  3. You have to have your own cleats and shin guards to sign up for soccer.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  4. You have to have your own musical instrument to be in the jazz band.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  5. You have to be able to speak English to participate in the activities.  a) True  b) False  c) You can’t tell.
  6. Which of the activities do(es) not say it requires parental permission?  a) soccer  b) swimming  c) band  d) band and soccer  e) They all require parental permission.
  7. (2) What are two things you could do to find more info about the classes?


Maus. Chapter 1 and 2.

Artie: Art Spiegelman, author/artist, son of Vladek and Anja
Vladek: Vladek Spiegelman, Artie’s dad, Anja’s husband, survivor of the camps, his story is being told
Mala: Vladek’s current wife after Anja committed suicide after the war
Anja Spiegelman (nee Zylberberg): Artie’s mom, Vladek’s wife, was also a survivor
The Zylberbergs: Anja’s family, rich
Lucia Greenberg: Vladek’s first girlfriend

  1. What physical evidence does Vladek still show from the concentration camps?
  2. Chapter 1 is called “The Sheik” because…
  3. On p14, the circular panel marks the beginning of Vladek’s story. Where do we first interrupt that story, and come back to the present for a moment? (page and panel)


Tuesday, 11/7: Vocab Review, POV, Alyce Wrap Up, Vladek

“Advisory” Schedule. Slides Link.

“Vocab, 11/7.” Answer not letter.
a) heedless  b) dawdle  c) sundry  d) glutton  e) begrudge  f) stupefy  g) compliant  h) teem  i) privy  j) bounty

  1. The root of this word meant “goodness.” _____
  2. The root of this word meant “to be struck senseless.”_____
  3. The root of this word meant “separate or distinct.”_____
  4. The root of this word meant “to complete”._____
    a) adversary  b) aplomb  c) banish  d) grueling  e) perceive  f) disdain  g) aghast  h) diminish  i) exhilarate
  5. When Steve told Two-Bit he should get a job, Two-Bit was _____. (haha)
  6. She speaks both French and German with equal ______. She’s very smooth and confident.
  7. The root origin of this word meant “NOT considered worthy.”____
  8. His political ____(s) tried to prevent him from winning the election.
    a) derive b) disreputable c) validate d) tantalize e) contrived f) dignity g) skeptical h) abide  i) competent j) relevant
  9. It’s always best to be ______about what you see on social media.
  10. This week’s word ____ is similar in meaning to a previous vocab word: leery.
  11. The codeine in cough syrup is _____(ed) from the same plant that heroin and opium come from.
  12. The greasers were so ______ that Cherry couldn’t let her parents see her with Pony.

“POV, 11/7.” Answer not Letter.
a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person limited d) 3rd person objective e) 3rd person omniscient

  1. The Midwife’s Apprentice
  2. As soon as your grandpa says, “I give up,” jump out and shout, “Here I am!”
  3. “He wore a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, and a silver scarf. He had a long white beard and bushy eyebrows that stuck out beyond the brim of his hat. Small hobbit-children ran after the car all through Hobbiton and right up the hill.”
  4. “Everyone else said of her: ‘She is such a good mother. She adores her children.’ Only she herself, and her children themselves, knew it was not so. They read it in each other eyes.”
  5. Psychologists say that if you talk to yourself in _____, giving yourself orders or criticizing/encouraging yourself, it actually helps!

Correct RBC Math. (9)

“RBC Math Quiz.” (5)

  1. What did the lesson suggest you do about recording the differences in scores?
  2. What year was the difference the smallest?
  3. (2) What two verbs give the objectives of the lesson?
  4. What’s wrong with this sentence? “The data does not lie.”

Finish Alyce.

  1. Did Alyce find what she was looking for from life?
  2. What do you think the main theme of the book is?
  3. Read the dedication. What does it mean?

“Maus” intro.

What does the word anthropomorphic mean? (Yes it will be a vocab word too!)

Maus by Art Spiegelman. Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1992. It took him 13 years.

“Maus, 11/15.”
a) Read the first two pages:

    • Translate his father’s last sentence into a normal English sentence.
    • What does he mean?

b) What is your first impression of Vladek?


Aloud. Chapter One. Drama style with parts.

Artie: Art Spiegelman, author/artist, son of Vladek and Anja

Vladek: Vladek Spiegelman, Artie’s dad, Anja’s husband, survivor of the camps, his story is being told

Anja Spiegelman (nee Zylberberg): Artie’s mom, Vladek’s wife, also a survivor

Mala: Vladek’s current wife after Anja committed suicide after the war

The Zylberbergs: Anja’s family, rich

Lucia Greenberg: Vladek’s first girlfriend


Monday, 11/5: Homework, Vocab Review, POV, Alyce

Late Start Schedule.

We will debrief the test tomorrow.

“Vocab Review, 11/6.” a) adversary  b) aplomb  c) banish  d) grueling  e) perceive  f) disdain  g) aghast  h) diminish  i) exhilarate

  1. She has a great _____ for companies that mistreat their workers and boycotts their products.
  2. The root origins of this word meant “curse and proclamation.” ________
  3. The root origin of this word meant “cheerful.” __________
  4. One of the themes of The Outsiders is that what you ______ is not necessarily what the reality is.
    a) derive  b) disreputable  c) validate d) tantalize  e) contrived  f) dignity  g) skeptical   h) abide   i) competent   j) relevant
  5. Ponyboy was _____(ed) by the dream of a better life, but it always seemed just out of reach.
  6. I cannot _____ cheating in class. (Not validate.)
  7. Since she couldn’t talk to her Soc friend’s, Cherry got ____(ion) for her feelings by talking to Pony.
    a) apprehensive b) tumultuous c) intrigue  d) benevolent  e) wheedle  f) sift  g) stanch  h) sham  i) enhance j) staunch
  8. The principal had to ____ through all the conflicting stories to get at the truth.
  9. The fan ____(ed) her way into the sold-out concert by flirting with the security guard.
  10. They had to close the gates to ____ the flow of llamas into the stadium.

“POV, 11/6.” (Clockwise from the upper left.) Omniscient means “all-knowing.”
3rd person limited , 2nd person, 1st person, 3rd person objective,  3rd person omniscient

  1. _____ (I, me, we,)
  2. _____ (you)
  3. _____(he, she, they/no thoughts)
  4. _____(he, she, they/all thoughts)
  5. _____(he, she, they/one’s thoughts)
  6. The Outsiders. ______.
  7. The Midwife’s Apprentice. ____
  8. A newspaper report of an accident. _____

ALYCE – Chapter  15, 16 and 17? Link to online.

  1. Alyce has three good options in Chapter 17; but instead of choosing one of these, she decides to return to the village.
    -What are her three options?  -Why does she decide to return to the village instead?
  2. Initially, Jane Sharp would not allow Alyce to be her apprentice again. Why?
  3. Did Alyce find what she was looking for from life?
  4. What do you think the main theme of the book is?
  5. Read the dedication. What does it mean?

-What might Alyce think about living here today and going to 7th Grade classes at Laguna? What makes you think so? What attributes does she have that might make her be successful here and now.

Thursday, 11/2: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #11

“Tutorial” Schedule.

Have a beauty three-day weekend!

Prep Sheet for Test #11:  RBC Weather Sheet: ___/12  RBC Weather Quiz:___/6  RBC Label Sheet:___/7  RBC Label Quiz:___/7 

Other Extra Credit:

“Mental Floss.”

  1. From what can you take away the whole, and still have some left?
  2. I am more microscopic than microscopic; I am more minuscule than minuscule. I am smaller than small and I am tinier than tiny. Yet surprisingly, I am still big. What am I?
  3. Wacky Wordy. What 6-word phrase is represented?

  4. Wacky Wordy: (2 words, one hyphenated)
    1. Do Do
    2. Dew Dew
    3. Due Due
  5. A cat had three kittens: Mopsy, Topsy, and Spot. What was the mother’s name. Remember to please capitalize the name of the momma kitty when you write it for me.
  6. What do these three things have in common? Corn, Weasel, Balloon

Test #11.

Doodle Theme: Funny.

Wednesday, 11/1: Prepositions, Vocabulary, TMA + Slides

Tomorrow’s Test: PP, Vocab Review, Alyce. Much like below. Preview after Period 2.

“Prepositions, 11/1.”

  1. A prepositional phrase will never have a(n) ____ in it.
  2. A prepositional phrase must always end with a ______.
    PP? Not PP?
  3. The llama was going to skip on his way from Gramma’s House.
  4. The llama told us about the great vacation he had at lunch.
  5. The clock stopped by the drinking fountain at exactly 2:05 yesterday.
  6. Three llamas suddenly fell off the boat when the storm hit.
  7. Three llamas suddenly fell off the boat when the storm hit.
  8. The llamas in the accident were treated for their injuries.
  9. Because they studied, the llamas passed the test.
  10. Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after him.

Correct RBC — Product Information. (7p)

“RBC – Product Label, 11/1+.” (7p) Write the ANSWER, not the letter.

  1. The medicine is labeled for use in all these cases, except…  a) flu.  b) common cold  c) aches and pains  d) headache  e) It is labeled for all these.
  2. For up to how many days can this medicine be taken for a headache?  a) 1  b) 3  c) 10  d) 14  e) It doesn’t say.
  3. This is an OTC drug, as opposed to a prescription one. What does OTC mean? 
  4. This drug can be used to reduce swelling.  a) True  b) False
  5. Who should not take the tablets at all? (Be specific!)
  6. Since this is an OTC drug, it can be considered completely safe.  a) True  b) False
  7. As it is used on the label, what does the word Indications [A] mean?

“Vocab Review, 11/1.” ANSWER NOT LETTER! a) contemptuous  b) circumvent  c) connotation  d) sullen  e) ironic  f) nonchalant  g) exploit   h) indulge  i) dispel  j) pensive  k) conducive  l) leery 

  1. The adventurer’s ____(s) made for a great novel.
  2. The root of this word meant “to drive away.”  _______
  3. The roots of this word meant “to look with disapproval.”_____
  4. Dally spat on the ground ______(ly) when he thought of what the Socs did to Johnny.
  5. An early meaning of this word was to “treat with excessive kindness.” _____
  6. Moisture and heat help create an environment _____ to the growth of bacteria
  7. The root of this word evolved from “to weigh” to “to think.” _____
  8. I was _____ and bored when Mom made me go to my sister’s ballet recital.
  9. The large farm owners are often accused of ____(ing) the workers who pick the crops.  
  10. The roots of this word meant “around to come.”  ________
  11. Even though their definitions are similar, the words nosy and curious have different _____(s).
  12. The roots of this word mean “not being concerned.” _____


Info: 5
Sentences: 5
Sources: 5
Reading Yours Aloud: 5
Total: 20

Subtract 2 from everyone for each missing pic and/or missing pic credit.

Alyce through Chapter 14.