Yee #6 is Take-Home: Due Monday.
Everything You Need to Know
“Tutorial” Schedule.
Warm Up: l(a (Bonus for figuring it out on your own!)
Debrief Test #33.
Finish “A Sound of Thunder.”
“Time and Punishment.” (9:03) The Simpsons “Time and Punishment” References:
“FRP, 5/28.”
4. What is the only actual factual statement in the ad?
5. In this ad, what does the word raves mean?
6. The quote from Mick Slope is included to make you think…?
7. What important piece of information is missing from the ad?
“YEE #5. NDP upper right corner. Nothing on the back.
“AlternaYEE, 5/29.”
“Vocab, 5/29.” Each word used TWICE. graft, infinitesimal, subtle, undulate, poise, resilient
More Paradoxes:
“Advisory” Schedule.
Copy “Homework” into planner for the last time.
YEE #4. NDP in upper right corner. Title centered.
Copy only the ones that say “Copy.”
“AlternaYEE, 5/28.”
“Is the answer to this question no?”
Exception paradox: if every rule has an exception, then there must be an exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.
Variation: The only rule is that there are no rules.
“Practice moderation in all things. Including moderation.”
The law of a certain land states that all who wish to enter through the city gates are asked to state their business. Those who reply truthfully (the guards can tell) are allowed to enter and depart in peace, but those who reply falsely are hanged. A traveler approaches the gate, and when asked his business, he replies, “I have come to be hanged.” What should happen to this traveler?
You can actually see backwards in time any day or night. You don’t need any sort of contraption either.
“ASOT, 5/28.”
1. “Crushing certain plants could add up (graftly, infinitesimally, intuitively, shrewdly). A little error here would multiply in sixty million years, all out of proportion.”
2. “The government doesn’t like us here. We have to pay big (subtle, dirigible, graft, savvy) to keep our business.”
3. The green carpet of grass and moss was (subtle, poised, infinitesimal, resilient) and soft.
4. “Maybe Time can’t be changed by us. Or maybe it can be changed only in little (resilient, subtle, graft, poised) ways.”
5. “It ran with a gliding ballet step, far too (graft, intuitive, poised, shrewd) and balanced for its ten tons.”
6. “In the slime, tiny insects wriggled, so that the entire body seemed to twitch and (poise, subtle, undulate, graft), even while the monster itself did not move.
7. Based on the above quotes from the story, “A Sound of Thunder”, what do you think the story might be about?
8. If you could go time travel, would you go forward or backward? Why?
9. If you could change something in the Past, what would it be, and why?
“A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury
Read Aloud.
Prep Sheet for Test #33. Be VERY CAREFUL about “reporting accuracy.”
Previous SMYK: Y/N SMYK: /10 Vocab Practices: ___/13 ___/13 ___/12 FRP:___/8 Other Bonus:
Please attach your MT Paragraphing to your test with the stapler that is going around.
Mental Floss.Think of two-word rhymes that are described by the clues:
Example: fast baby chicken. Answer: Quick Chick
Doodle Theme: Endless Summer.