Thursday, 1/14: Last Day of First Semester, Test 18

Have a great 4-day weekend!
Checking: KBAR Chart and KBAR Book.

First Period has some Maus reading to do.

Prep Sheet for “Test” 18:
Yaller Sheet:  ____/11  ___/15   S/CD/CX: ___/10
KBAR Book: ___/15    KBAR Chart: ___/15
Other Extra Credit: ?

Mental Floss.

  1. What famous fictional character is represented here?   ants, beetles, termites, rabbit
  2. A man walks into a room, turns around and walks out the same door he went in. When he gets out he is in a different room than when he started. How is this possible?
  3. What number should come next? 144, 121, 100, 81, 64,  _____  (Alert: math.)
  4.  Each of the following phrases can be rearranged into a single word. (All the words you end up with have something in common.) What are the words?
    • a) as a ritual    b) sir usa    c) grey man    d) a fruit chaos
  5. Spell the word candy with just 2 letters.
  6. How many F’s (capital or small–no trick here) are in the following sentence? (Alert: Counting.)
    Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.  

“Test” 18

Wednesday, 1/13: S/CD/CX, 120 Prep, Vladek

Checking: KBAR/120 book? Yaller sheet p154?

Tomorrow “Test”: S/CD/CX (see below) and Vladek

Correct Complex Sentences Sheet (p154 – 15p).

“S/CD/CX 1/13.” Answer with:
S for Simple (one I)
CD for Compound (I + I. Look for the FANBOYS.)
CX for Complex (I + D or D + I. Look for the other kind of conjunctions. p154)

  1. Joe waited for the llama to arrive, but she was late.
  2. The llama was late because she missed the bus.
  3. Joe and the llama rode a tandem bike to the pizza place.
  4. While Joe likes pizza, the llama prefers sushi.
  5. They agreed to compromise, and they ate sushi pizza.
  6. Neither Joe nor the llama enjoyed it very much.
  7. If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in the morning.
  8. The cheese is on the table with little toothpicks in it.
  9. Claudio ate several hotdogs, went on a ride, and ate several more
  10. Rudolpho was upset because his mom ate the last of the cheeselog.

  11. Bonus: Name all 7 FANBOYS without looking.
  12. Bonus: Which type of sentence is usually preferred in good writing, compound or complex? Why do you think?

Prep for 120 Seconds. Writing your intro. You need about 200 words.

  1. Start with a little hook:
    • Imagine yourself…
    • Throughout history mankind has…
    • It was a dark and stormy night…
    • What do you call a… (joke)
    • Once upon a time…
    • Have you ever wondered…
    • What if…
    • Jimmy was a boy who…
    • Scary, gripping, and difficult to put down…
    • Etc.
  2. Give us the required info:
    • Title
    • Author
    • Genre (Not just fiction/non; we want something like romance, sci fi, horror, mystery, fantasy, comedy, historical fiction, etc.)
  3. Time for the 5 W’s for the BOOK:
    • This is the story of…
    • This book is about…
    • Set in the future…
    • Not too much detail; you have less than a minute.
  4. Now to set up the PASSAGE:
    • This is the part of the book where…
    • This is the scene when…
    • _____ is about to _____





Tuesday, 1/12: Simple/Compound Sentences, 120 Practice-Intro, Vladek

Checking: KBAR book? Yaller sheet p151?

SCS Sheet. Please follow the directions carefully.

  • Please star sentences 6-15 on p151.
  • Correct 1-5.
    1. CD
    2. S
    3. S
    4. CD
    5. CD
  • Take questions. Compound subject/verb vs compound sentence?
  • Time to change (do) any answers you want on the starred ones before we correct those for a score.
  • Bonus opportunity: Arrange the first letters of the main coordinating conjunctions into a word. (On the sheet.)
  • At the bottom of the sheet, write compound sentence of your own that has the word llama in it.
  • Correct 6-15. (11p. No “FINAL” stamp? -5.)

120 Seconds Prep, 1/12″

1. Find a passage in your book that you think would be good for the 120 Seconds, and would take about a minute to read out loud. It will be shorter than you think:

EXAMPLE: The Outsiders, p4-5: “I knew it wasn’t any use though…” to “… gonna cut that long greasy hair off.”

2. In your group, take turns quietly reading the passage to your group. Have somebody watch the clock, and quietly tap the desk when the reader reaches the 1 minute mark. The reader should try to end soon, but doesn’t have to stop immediately.

3. The rest of the group asks questions about the passage. As the reader answers these questions, she should write down notes. These are the things that should be addressed in the intro.

4. Rotate to the right.


Friday, 1/8/16: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test 17

Checking KBAR charts.

Prep sheet for Test #17:
Clauses: ___/9 ___/8 (3 + 5 on Tuesday.)   ___/9  ___/10
Vocabulary H/W: ____/20
Vocab Practices:  ____/13  ___/12  ___/12
Other Extra Credit: Everyone take +3 for Vocab Relay. Other possibilities include +1 for Lent and +1 for Fat Tuesday.


Mental Floss.

  1. A word I know, six letters it contains.
    Subtract just one, and twelve is what remains.
    What word is it?
  2. Wacky Wordy:   TTTT  RRRRRRRRR
  3. Wacky Wordy:    Must get here.  Must get here.  Must get here.
  4. Wacky Wordy:  history   history   history   history
  5. When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, this day will be as far from Friday as this day was from Friday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow. What day is it?
  6. The moon is about 250,000 miles from Earth. Sound travels at about 650 miles per hour. If a giant meteor hit the moon, about how long would it take for the sound to reach Earth? (Alert: science.)

Test #17

Doodle Theme: Your KBAR book.