Wednesday, 10/17: Transitions, Vocab, TMA

Reminder: Outsiders Projects are due TOMORROW! No “virtual” copies; I want old school PAPER!

“Transitions, 10/17.” meanwhile, furthermore, first, third, in fact, until then, consequently, in contrast, nevertheless, however, for example, as a result

  1. He stayed up too late last night. ______, he slept until noon.
  2. I would like to read many books; _____, I don’t seem to have enough time to read.
  3. John ate and ate; _____, he never gained weight.
  4. I want you to buy milk, eggs, and fruit juice; ____, I want you to be sure to get cereal and ice cream.
  5. She had been studying for hours and knew all the material. ______, she hoped to do well on the test.
  6. Write a sentence about Alyce using the transition word therefore.


“Vocabulary, 10/17.”

  1.  (Lawyer’s Office) “This is the letter A. It’s the first letter of the alphabet. So much for the initial consultation. Further advice requires $1000.” ______
  2. (Giant wave and huge storm.)_____
  3. (Mickey being pulled along by the aroma of a cake.) _____
  4. (Pic of willow tree bark and bottle of aspirin.) _____
  5. responsible : disreputable :: calm : ____ (Bonus: Add -ing to another vocab word and it becomes a 2nd correct answer!)
  6. I cannot ____ someone who cheats. He or she will face consequences.
  7. Winning the lottery is not always the _____ people think it will be.
  8. Some people think it’s a good idea to build a giant fence to try to _____ the flow of illegal drugs and immigrants.
  9. On the last day of school, the screams of joy will _____ in the hallways.
  10. He bought his computer from a(n) ____ dealer, and when it broke the next day, they told him he was out of luck. (Not sham.)
  11. We must all ____ by the same rules.
  12. The word midwife is a ______ of the Middle English words meaning “with woman.”
  13. * Many of the the company’s factory workers have been ____(ed) by industrial robots.


“TMA Quick Quiz, 10/17.” (6)

  1. On p26, what does the word “laden” mean? (middle paragraph)
  2. Why does the merchant give Beetle the comb? (p29)
  3. Read the paragraph on p33 that begins, “‘ Alyce!’ The midwife snorted…” What does it mean when she says “punctuated each name with a pot thrown in the girl’s direction…”?
  4. What does the last line of chapter 5 mean?
  5. Why does Alyce save Will?
  6. Name someone who is nice to Alyce.


Mmmmm, Snail Jelly

Let’s look up a few of her remedies.


The Devil!

Tuesday, 10/16: Transitions, Vocab, TMA

“Transitions, 10/16.” (9)
furthermore, first, third, in fact, until then, consequently, in contrast, second, then, however, but, nevertheless

  1.  I know Pedro quite well. _____, Pedro happens to be my best friend.
  2. Jackie studies all the time; ______, Billy never studies. (Not however. Not but either.)
  3. First, Mary went to the store, and _____ she went to visit her mother.
  4. (2) The medication seems effective. _____, more research must be done to see if it’s safe. _____, it’s best to avoid it.
  5. (3) ______, I will boil the water. ______, I will brew the tea, and ____, I will serve it.
  6. Write a sentence using the word nevertheless. (Bonus if it is about Beetle.)


“Vocabulary , 10/16.” (14p)


  1. _____ “Where’s the ‘Any’ key?”
  2. _____ (Bonus for this guy’s name.)
  3. _____
  4. _____ (Bonus for what this type of bandage is called. Further bonus if you actually spell the word correctly.)
  5. (2) Which two vocabulary words this week have prefixes that mean not?
  6. The codeine in your cough syrup is a ______ of the same plant that is used to make heroin.
  7. Their relationship was rather _____, with many ups, downs, and in-betweens over the years.
  8. Which vocabulary word has a prefix that means again?
  9. Unlike the Socs, the greasers were considered to be _______ characters
  10. The carpenter we hired to build the shed was very ______; it was a well-built shed.
  11. Give an example of a derivative of the word child.
  12. *_____   13.*(un)_____


The Midwife’s Apprentice.


Chapters 5-7



Thursday, 11/30: Husker Du, Vocab + Relay, Research, “Time and Punishment”

Tomorrow’s Test: Plagiarism, Vocab, Husker Du, ASoT.

“Warm Up, 11/30.” Write the ANSWER.

  1. Have newer articles been published on your topic?  a) Currency  b) Relevance  c) Authority  d) Accuracy  e) Purpose
  2. Are alternative points of view offered? a) Currency  b) Relevance  c) Authority  d) Accuracy  e) Purpose
  3. Can you verify any of the information in another source?  a) Currency  b) Relevance  c) Authority  d) Accuracy  e) Purpose
  4. (2) The medication seems effective. _____, more research must be done to see if it’s safe. _____, it’s best to avoid it.

“Vocab, 11/30.”

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. Parents, please don’t ____ a teacher’s July and August time off; it’s for your child’s own safety! (haha)
  4. The rich merchant’s wife “commenced scolding and _____(ing) the little fellow…until her scolding turned to cooing…”
  5. “Too much ale and too few wits” = a _______.
  6. lush : barren :: generous : _____(ing)
  7. She was ______ to report her friend for cheating. (Not discontented.)
  8. poison : remedy :: smile : _____
  9. willing : reluctant :: poor : _____
  10. After being uncared for for so long, the fruit tree was ______.
  11. He was _____ with his boring job. (No, not reluctant.)
  12. There was a _____ of volunteers to help with party. With so many people, the preparations were finished quickly.


Vocab Relay!

“Time and Punishment.”

“Research Topic, 11/30.” Please write your SPECIFIC research topic in the form of 5 questions. Please make sure these questions are not the kind that can be answered in a sentence or two. These should reflect what you want to know and what you’re going to explain to us.

If I have approved your questions, Chromie up! Then:

First find a good source. Give it a mental CRAAP Test. If it passes:

  1. Start a Google Doc with the title Works Cited.
  2. Open your first source in a new tab. Copy the url and open another new tab.
  3. Go to
  4. Paste your url into the form and create a citation.
  5. Paste it into your Works Cited doc.

  1. Start another Google Doc and title it Notes for _____.
  2. Find your five questions about your topic and put them on your notes sheet to organize your notes.
  3. Start reading and note-taking!

  1. Start ANOTHER Google doc. Title it ________ (your topic).
  2. Your first paragraph or two should show “your topic in action.” If your topic is diabetes, for example, you might show us what goes on inside the body of someone with diabetes and how the insulin goes to work. Or you might show a day in the life of a diabetic person, and all the things they have to be aware of.
  3. The rest of your paper should be organized by your questions. Use each one as a “section” of your paper. When you’re finished, we’ll take out the questions, and be left with a well-organized paper.


Wednesday, 11/15: Transitions, Vocab, Monsters!

“Transitions, 11/15.”
in fact, consequently, because, furthermore, instead, for example, nevertheless 

A vegetarian can be defined as someone who does not eat meat, fish, or other animal products, such as eggs or cheese; 1) _____, he or she eats vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds. 2) _____ this diet consists of non-meat food sources, a vegetarian typically consumes less fat and cholesterol than an individual who consumes meat. 3) _____, raising animals for food uses valuable land, water, and energy. 4) _____, adopting a vegetarian diet helps conserve the valuable resources that our future depends on.


“Vocab, 11/15.” (15)
Step-4  james-stevenson-quick-bartlett cartoon2706

  1. (2) _____ and ______
  2. _____
  3. “Quick, Bartlett! ______ them with hope!”
  4. “It’s times like these we really need to roll up our sleeves, rally together, and find a _____.”
  5. Everybody has _______(s) that other people might find weird.
  6. Patience with the ways of nature had been ____(ed) in her by her park ranger father.
  7. The root of this word means sleep: _____
  8. The prefix of this word means across or through: _____
  9. (2) The prefix of these words means not: _____ (Not instill; that one means “into.”)
  10. “S’up?” is an example of  _______ language.
  11. In professional sports, the coach is often the _______for a team’s bad performance, even if it isn’t always his fault.
    integrate, export, efficient, symbolic, domestic
  12. You will have to _____ graphs and illustration into your research report.
  13. Over 80% of the world’s almonds are ____(ed) from California.


“The Monsters are Due on Maple Street.” p415.

Discuss in your group:

  • What is the purpose of fear?  (Why do we get scared?)
  • Why do we like it sometimes? (Don’t say, “It’s fun.” Duh.)
  • What are (most) humans scared of?
  • “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Meaning?  (Bonus: Who said that famous quote?)


Tuesday, 11/14: Transitions, Vocab, Sneetches

Checking: KBAR Summary and Vocab Definitions.

“Transitions, 11/14.”  Directions:  Use a transition only once. Read each sentence carefully so that you can choose an appropriate transition. You won’t use them all.
for example, finally, but, so, still, beyond, nevertheless, to the left, inside, secondly, until, as a result, in fact

  1. I would like to see you tomorrow, ____ let’s have lunch together.
  2. My sister loves to eat, ____ I don’t care much about food.
  3. When you begin an exercise program, you must be careful not to overdo it. My father, _____, hurt his back by exercising too hard without warming up first.
  4. She had looked everywhere for a job, and was having no luck; _____ she was called for an interview.
  5. She had been studying for hours. _____, she hoped to do well on the test.
  6. The building is guarded 24/7, _______ robberies still occasionally occur.


“Vocabulary, 11/14.”  (15) Bonus: What was the misspelled word on the vocab sheet? Bonus 2: What’s the plural form of phenomenon?

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. “If there are no other ideas, then it’s agreed we blame the media.” _____
  5. Since I hadn’t studied, I was ______ about my chances on the difficult test.
  6. The hill with the M on it is known _____(ly) as Madonna Mountain, but its real name is… (Bonus: en Espanol.)
  7. Mr. Calandro is trying to _____ a sense of kindness in the students of Laguna.
  8. The replays of the rescue ____ TV watchers all over the country.
  9. The _____ of two full moons in one month is called a blue moon.
  10. (2) Everyone was talking about the _____  _____ they saw in the sky last night. What the heck was it?
  11. The root of this word means “shape.”   ______
  12. True or False? Always taking the same route to school is a good example of an idiosyncrasy. 

    integrate, export, efficient, symbolic, domestic

  13. The family was rich enough to hire some _____ labor to clean the house and help care for the family.
  14. Since her schedule is so full and his time is short, she has to be very ______ about doing her homework.


Rewatch the Sneetches video.

“Sneetches Quiz, 11/14.”

  1. What previous vocab word best describes the attitude of the Star-Belly Sneetches toward the Plain- Belly Sneetches at the beginning of the story?
  2. (2) What food did the Star Belly Sneetches have at their beach parties?
  3. What was Mr. McBean’s middle name?
  4. Before McBean arrives, how is Sneetch society set up?
  5. “if they should meet one, while they were out walking they’d saunter right by without even ______.”
  6. “They had stars upon thars!” What does the word “thars” mean?
  7. Why does Dr. Seuss use the word “eaches” in this poem?
  8. Why are the Sneetches such a good target for McBean?
  9. What lesson do the Sneetches finally learn?

  10. Are the Star- Bellied Sneetches and the Plain-Bellied Sneetches the same or different?  Explain.
  11. After the Plain-Bellied Sneetches go through the machine the first time and come out with stars, the Star-Bellied Sneetches say, “We’re still he best Sneetches and they are the worst.”  What makes the Star-Bellied Sneetches think that there is still something different about the Plain-Bellied Sneetches since they now have stars on their bellies?


Time? Yertle the Turtle.