Tuesday, 4/23: Spelling, Vocab, Tom Sawyer!

“Spellling, 4/23.” DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR SPELLING LIST! Write the incorrectly spelled word correctly, or if they are all correct, write “all correct.” NOT COLLABORATIVE!

  1. a) revision  b) requirement  c) beleivable  d) all correct
  2. a) insurence  b) security  c) separately  d) all correct
  3. a) cooperation  b) moveable  c) ignorance  d) all correct
  4. a) maturity  b) narrative  c) creative  d) all correct
  5. What is the rule that this week’s spelling words follow?
  6. Bonus: Find the other spelling mistake in this warm up.


“Vocabulary, 4/23.”

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. We were very suspicious of the dark alley, so we were ______ when we approached it.
  6. A person who is _________ is probably not going to be a good friend, since he/she probably won’t be very reliable.
  7. The searchers _____(ed) the cave, looking for the lost hikers. (Bonus: What are cave explorers called?)
  8. The groovy little cabin was ______ and funky, but it wasn’t very comfortable.
  9. The teacher ______(ed) the use of notes on the test, so you better have studied.
  10. The root of this word means to touch. _____
  11. One reason that few people vote is because many are ______ about politics and government.
  12. Tom ______(ed) his body, looking for an ailment that might get him out of school.
  13. He ate a _____ number of hot dogs in the contest, so he won. (70 in 10 minutes. Including buns.)


Tom Sawyer.


Tom Sawyer Ch. 12, 4/23.” (7p)

  1. Tom finally stopped thinking about the murder for a while, because…?
  2. (2) Why did Aunt Polly start giving Tom all those treatments? She thought he was _____, but he was really ______.
  3. (2) Why did Aunt Polly think Tom had been taking the Painkiller all that time? What was he really doing with it?
  4. What does Tom do when Becky finally comes back to school?
  5. (Quote.) What’s her reaction?


Chapter 13! “A Pirate Bold to Be!”

Monday, 4/22: Homework, Debrief Test #29, SAWs, Tom Sawyer, Spelling!

Copy homework into planner.

“SAWs, 4/22.”

prevention (noun): the act of stopping something from happening
critical (adjective): using careful judgement about the good and bad parts of something; disapproving. Also: vital or important.
pursue (verb): to follow; to engage into form; to create
alter (verb): to change
approach (noun): method





Debrief Test #29. hrrmm…


“Spelling, 4/22.” Bonus: What spelling rule do this week’s words follow?

  1. refusal : cooperation :: childishness : _____
  2. rewrite : revision :: story : ______ 
  3. purpose : function :: guideline : _______
  4. locker : storage :: _____ : security
  5. soldier : obedient :: artist : _____

Tom Sawyer, Chapter 12; The Cat and the Painkiller. Patent Medicines?


Friday, 4/18: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #29

Prep sheet for Test #29. Reload the test; there are a lot of changes!
Gramma: ___/12  ___/10  ___/10     Tom Sawyer: ___/5  ___/10    TSSQ:___/15
Vocab h/w: ___/20    Vocab Practice: ___/12   ___/11
Other Extra Credit: Periods 5 and 6 get +3 for vocab relay, Periods 1 and 2 get +1.

Mental Floss.

  1. What sort of story begins with a limb and ends with a finish?
  2. Two men got lost while exploring in the desert. Each man had a compass. One headed due East, and the other headed due West. Two hours later, they met. How?
  3. Fill in the blanks with four words, such that the first and the fourth are the same, while the second and the third are homonyms.  A prison guard ______ ______, and a jeweler ______ ______.  (A jeweler also fixes and sells clocks and watches and reading glasses and stuff like that.)
  4. There was a road around a circular lake. A man and his brother each started in the same place and drove around the lake at exactly the same speed, but in opposite directions. The first brother went clockwise around the lake at 40 mph, and the trip took him an hour and 20 minutes. The second brother went counterclockwise around the lake–also at exactly 40 mph–but his trip only took him 80 minutes. Each traveled exactly the same distance: 53.33 miles. How is that possible?
  5. A man asks his two sons to do a chore. When they finish, he gives them twenty five cents to split.  What time is it?  (haha)
  6. Tom Sawyer Anagrams:
    a) Tall Pun Yo   b) Hamsters Cool (Technically a title, not a name.) c) Put Off Term


Test #29. Doodle Theme: The House of the Future!

ALERT: #20 has no answer, so CHOOSE A

Wednesday, 4/17: Gramma, Vocab + Relay, TS (duh)

Tomorrow’s Test (Wha’? Already?!): Gramma (see Monday’s practice), Vocab, (duh), Tom Sawyer.

“Gramma, 4/17.” (12p.) Copy and label.  noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, interjection, conjunction

He was a very scary bear, and we beat a hasty retreat from his lair.

“Vocabulary, 4/17.” (12p)
swagger, sullen, inundate, indifferent, spiteful, repentant, becoming (adj), vivacious, incantation, vanquish


  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. After he realized how much he hurt Aunt Polly, Tom was genuinely _____ for once.
  6. After he was arrested for fighting, the soldier was reprimanded for “conduct (un)_____ an officer.”
  7. The students liked the teacher because she was ______, exciting, and rarely boring.
  8. His e-mail account was ______(ed) by so much spam, that it crashed the server.
  9. (3) When Tom’s “army” _____(ed) Joe’s,  he walked with a cocky ________, which he thought was very ______ for a “general” like himself.
  10. *After 25 years, the brothers finally ____(ed) their conflict and made up.

Vocab Relay 2.0! True or False? Each mistake = +2 seconds.

  1. Indifferent means uninterested.
  2. A pirate might walk with a swagger.
  3. When you are sullen, you are happy.
  4. Spiteful and indifferent are similar in meaning.
  5. The root of the word vivacious means life.
  6. If you are repentant, you are proud of yourself.
  7. If somebody tells you that your outfit is becoming, it’s a compliment.
  8. Inundation only happens with water.
  9. A motto and an incantation are similar.
  10. Vanquish is a verb.
  11. Giving a thumbs down means you are indifferent.
  12. Being called vivacious would usually be a compliment.
  13. If you were repentant, you would swagger.
  14. If you vanquished someone, you might swagger.
  15. Noah needed an ark because of an inundation.
  16. A magician might use an incantation.

Tom Sawyer Quiz, 4/17.” (10p)

  1. (3) 
    Explain what’s happening here. Who are the two men who aren’t dead? Why does one appear to be begging or praying?

(7) Label a-g with the appropriate names from p66-67.


Chapter 10: “The Dire Prophecy of the Howling Dog!”

Time? Movie.


Tuesday, 4/16: Gramma, Vocab, Tom Sawyer


“Gramma, 4/16.”
noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, interjection, conjunction

  1. In the sentence, He ran yesterday the word yesterday is a(n) ______.
  2. The words am, is, are, was, were are all _____(s).
  3. In many languages other than English, this comes AFTER the noun instead of before, as in English
  4. Answers the questions how, where, or when.
  5. Answers the questions which one, what kind, how many.
  6. Separated from the rest of the sentence by punctuation.
  7. Shows, action, being, or state of being.
  8. He kept a running total of his grade.
  9. I like running the mile.
  10. We are running in PE tomorrow.


“Vocab, 4/16.” Each used once. * = CAW.

  1. *(in)_____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. When he thought Becky was sick, Tom was so depressed he was ___ to all of Aunt Polly’s treatments.
  7. He was very cocky, and walked with a _____ that showed it.
  8. The miscreant was (un)_______ after he was caught, saying he would do it again if he had the chance.
  9. It is part of a cheerleader’s job to be enthusiastic and _____.
  10. She had her hair cut in a _______ new style that everyone liked.
  11. “Every pore inside the boys cheeks became a spouting fountain; they could scarcely bail out the cellars under their tongues fast enough to prevent a(n) _____(ion).”


Tom Sawyer Quiz. NOT COLLABORATIVE! (5)
Explain the following quote:

“He had contemplated a good part of the performance before he contributed his bit of variety to it.” (p52/p49-50)

Things to include in your explanation:

  • Who “He” is.
  • What the “performance” is, and who is involved.
  • What “contributed his bit of variety” means.


Chapter 8: A Pirate bold to be!