Tuesday, 1/12 (Periods 5,6) – Wednesday, 1/13 (Periods 1,2,3)

ZoomaZoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/6580428380?pwd=SCs3NDRHcUJIbWE1SXdQVUdKUGpZdz09

Check in in Chat (Public!).   “It takes two parents to produce a child,  but it takes an entire village to raise the child.” -African Proverb

  1. What do you think it means? (Hint: Remember that poem about Little Julie?)
  2. Do you agree? WHY OR WHY NOT?

BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: We will be starting a new book next week, and you need a copy. Follow the link to sign up and then come get your copy! ALSO, on the same trip, PLEASE RETURN YOUR OUTSIDERS BOOK!

MAUS Book Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-z1TnaaSYPvx4v0T9K-_CjIUE4Zkb_oT8LmZmRlM3mvdWZQ/viewform

SGI: Tuesday, 1/12 and Wednesday, 1/13: Please come to SGI if you had to retake any of the last few test. We will work on tips for Test #9.

Test #9 is Thursday, 1/14 (Periods 5,6) – Friday, 1/15 (Periods 1,2,3). Here is the Preview Copy: Test0921Preview!

“Vocabulary, 1/12 (1/13).” This is where I will be getting most of the vocab section of the test!

  1. “In this brief fraction of a moment, they take the first step toward performing a _____ that changes people from a group into a mob.”
  2. subsided : ebbed :: engrossed : ______
  3. Since I hadn’t studied, I was ______ about my chances on the difficult test.
  4. “You’re standing here all set to crucify–all set to find a ________–all desperate to point some kind of a finger at a neighbor.”
  5. “Let’s get it all out. Let’s pick out every _______of every man, woman, and child on this street.”
  6. hero : scapegoat :: shortage : ______
  7. optimistic : pessimistic :: formal : _____
  8. True/False? The word scapegoat is based on actual goats.
  9. True/False? In the word instill, the prefix in– means not.
  10. True/False? The word scapegoat can be used as a verb.
  11. True/False? In the word transfixed, the prefix trans– means nailed.
  12. True/False? At the end of The Outsiders, Ponyboy is optimistic about getting out of the ‘hood.
  13. True/False?  Dally was a pessimistic person.
  14. True/False? Johnny Cade had a surfeit of self-confidence.
  15. True/False? The root morph in metamorphosis means change.

“Thank You, Ma’am” by Langston Hughes.

Langston Hughes wrote a lot about “Nobodies.” Here are two.



After In Chat:

What do you think Roger will do now? Why?

What would Mrs. Jones probably have to say about the proverb we started with?



If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking  by Emily Dickinson
(in vain means without any point or purpose)

If I can stop one Heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain
If I can ease one life the Aching
Or cool one Pain
Or help one fainting Robin
Unto his Nest again
I shall not live in Vain.

IN CHAT:  How is the story related to the poem? Would Mrs. Jones agree?



Preview of Test Questions:

  1. Roger is…  a) a big strong kid. b) just average build.  c) thin but muscular.  d) weak and delicate.  e) fat.   f) NOTA
  2. Why might the boy have told the woman that he would run if she let him go?   a) He was afraid of her.  b) He knew she wouldn’t believe him if he said he wouldn’t.  c) He figured she wouldn’t let him go anyway.  d) All of the above. e) NOTA
  3. Roger probably would have gotten away with Mrs. Jones’ purse if only…  a) he could have run faster.  b) Mrs. Jones had not kicked him.   c) the purse strap hadn’t snapped.   d) he were a little sneakier.   e) NOTA
  4. Roger tried to steal Mrs. Jones’ purse… a) because he was hungry and needed money for food.   b) for the excitement. c) because he wanted a pair of shoes. d) because his family was poor and needed money.   e) a and d.   f) NOTA
  5. (quote) What does Mrs. Jones say Roger could have done to get the money instead of trying to steal her purse?
  6. Why does the boy say his face is dirty? a) He hates to wash.  b) He has nobody to tell him to wash it.  c) He’s been sleeping outside.  d) The water has been shut off at his house.  e) NOTA
  7. Why might Mrs. Jones treat Roger the way she does?  a) Because she’s lonely and needs someone to talk to.  b) She was like him as a kid herself.   c) She realizes that he needs someone to take care of him and teach him a few things. d) She thinks he needs the money.   e) b and c   e) All of the above.
  8. (quote) Why doesn’t Roger run after she turns him loose, or steal her purse when she leaves him alone with it?
  9. How is the story related to the Emily Dickinson poem? a) They’re both about broken hearts.  b) They’re both about a nice person.   c) The story’s author, Langston Hughes, was a poet too.   d) The speaker of the poem wants to do what Mrs. Jones did.  e) Both the poem and the story tell us what we should do with our lives.


Mini Video – Screen Share

Friday, 1/8 (Periods 5,6) – Monday, 1/11 (Periods 1,2,3)

ZoomaZoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/6580428380?pwd=SCs3NDRHcUJIbWE1SXdQVUdKUGpZdz09

Slides Link for Homies (1/11): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13CY_LRvIUj8XGnwPIzhmPNZbpa8XGs5b1rbaM05JpTc/edit?usp=sharing

Check in in Chat (PRIVATE):

  • Type  your best 2 SMYK’s – NOT METAMORPHOSIS.

LAST WEEK OF THE SEMESTER. Grades are pretty much what they are.

Homework Check: You’re Welcome…

You should have already sent me  your KBARR chart for 1/4-1/8!!!!

SGI for TODAY, MONDAY, 1/11:

Do your dang KBAR. 

Do the Monsters Quiz (See Below).

Anyone who needs to clear a zero, stick around at the end of class.

Sentence Scramble is Back!

“Sentence Scramble, 1/11.” Yes, several ways to do this one! Bonus: What kind of sentence is it?

  • because
  • but
  • to wash his llama
  • the llama looked worse
  • he did not
  • Mr. Johnson hired me
  • a second time
  • than it did before
  • hire me


“Vocab, 1/8 (1/11).”

 Step-4  james-stevenson-quick-bartlett cartoon2706

  1. _____ (Bonus if you can translate! Good luck with that.)
  2. (2) _____ and ______
  3. _____
  4. “Quick, Bartlett! ______ them with hope!”
  5. “It’s times like these we really need to roll up our sleeves, rally together, and find a _____.”
  6. Everybody has _______(s) that other people might find weird.
  7. Patience with the ways of nature had been ____(ed) in her by her park ranger father.
  8. The prefix of this word means across or through: _____
  9. “S’up?” is an example of  _______ language.
  10. In professional sports, the coach is often the _____for a team’s bad performance, even if it isn’t always his fault.
  11. Some people in this class have such a _____ of points that they could skip a test, take a zero, and still have an A.
  12. True/False?  The words surfeit and abundance are similar in meaning.
  13. True/False?  Shaving your head is an example of a metamorphosis.
  14. True/False?  When you are begrudging, you are enthusiastic.

“I’m Nobody”
by  Emily Dickinson

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you–Nobody–too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d banish us–you know!

How dreary–to be–Somebody!
How public–like a Frog–
To tell your name–the livelong June–
To an admiring Bog!


  1. What do you think she means by Nobody?
  2. Why would “they” banish the nobodies?
  3. What does the “admiring Bog” stand for? (A bog is a swampy area where frogs and such would live.)
  4. Does the narrator like being a nobody? How can you tell? Use a line from the poem to back up what you say.
  5. How would you feel about being famous?

Fame is a bee
It has a song–
It has a sting–
Ah, too, it has a wing.

IN CHAT PUBLIC: What do the song, the sting, and the wing represent about Fame?

On your own before next time. Monsters Quiz.

You may use the script: Monsters-are-Due-on-Maple-Street-Script.

Monsters Quiz Period 5.

Monsters Quiz Period 6

Monsters Quiz Period 1

Monsters Quiz Period 2

Monsters Quiz Period 3

Wednesday, 1/6 (Periods 5,6) – Thursday, 1/7 (Periods 1,2,3)

ZoomaZoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/6580428380?pwd=SCs3NDRHcUJIbWE1SXdQVUdKUGpZdz09

SGI for Thursday, 1/7: I sent an email to those required to come in the afternoon. Anyone else who wants help or needs to try to clear a zero is also invited.

Check in in Chat (PRIVATE): Type the ANSWER, not the letter.

  1. In Poem #435, Emily Dickinson says that “the Majority” always prevailed on the question of…   a) what is the right thing to do. b) who’s weird and who isn’t. c) who’s cool and who isn’t. d) who’s important and who isn’t. e) All of the above.  f) NOTA
  2. Poem #435 says that if a person looked very carefully… a) he would see that everyone is weird. b) he would see that what might look weird really isn’t. c) he would see that what might seem sane really isn’t. d) All of the above. e) b and c.   f) NOTA
  3. Poem #435 says that if you disagree with the majority… a) you’re weird. b) you’re stupid. c) you’re considered dangerous. d) you’re doing the right thing.  e) all of the above.   f) NOTA

Checking Vocab Definitions.

Words of the day: colloquial and idiosyncrasy

“Vocab, 1/6 (1/7).”


  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. “If there are no other ideas, then it’s agreed we blame the media.” _____
  4. Since I hadn’t studied, I was ______ about my chances on the difficult test.
  5. The hill with the M on it is known _____(ly) as Madonna Mountain, but its real name is… (Bonus 1: Real name. Bonus 2: en Espanol.)
  6. Mr. Calandro is trying to _____ a sense of kindness in the students of Laguna.
  7. The replays of the rescue ____ TV watchers all over the country.
  8. The _____ of two full moons in one month is called a blue moon.
  9. The root of this word means “shape.”   ______
  10. He didn’t think the judgement was fair, so he only paid the money ______(ingly).
  11. There is always a ______of food and drink at the MidState Fair.
  12. True or False? Always taking the same route to school is a good example of an idiosyncrasy. 
  13. True/False? Referring to a judge as “Your Honor,” is an example of colloquial language.


“The Monsters are Due On Maple Street”


  1. What do the people of Maple Street think the UFO is at first?
  2.  Who gets them thinking it might be something else?
  3. What is the inciting incident in MoMS?


Act/Read until end of Act I.

Watch Act II. (Screen Share, start at 10:00)


Link to TELEPLAY: Monsters-are-Due-on-Maple-Street-Script

If there’s time in your class:

After. IN CHAT – PRIVATE. Valid and Invalid conclusions.

  • The people of Maple Street, motivated by fear, jump to several INVALID CONCLUSIONS. Name three Invalid Conclusions made about characters in the play.
  • Who were the real Monsters?




Monday, 1/4 (Periods 5,6) – Tuesday, 1/5 (Periods 1,2,3)

ZoomaZoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/6580428380?pwd=SCs3NDRHcUJIbWE1SXdQVUdKUGpZdz09

Check in in Chat (PUBLIC): If the rumble and the deaths of Johnny and Dally are all at the top of Plot Mountain as the parts of the Climax, tell where each of the following incidents would be (PUBLIC):  Choices: exposition, rising action, inciting incident, falling action, resolution
a)  P and J cutting their hair    b) the hearing in court    c) Revealing that the book is Pony’s essay for English   d) Johnny stabbing Bob   e) Dally hassling the girls

Go over Homework.

SGI: Go to NEWSELA and do another reading skills check. You should have 3 done by the end of today!

Warm Up in Chat: (PUBLIC) What do you think the following quote means? (PUBLIC.)

“It’s like it ain’t so much what a fellow does, but it’s the way the majority of folks is looking at him when he does it.”


Poem #435     by Emily Dickinson

Much Madness is divinest Sense–
To a discerning Eye–
Much Sense–the starkest Madness–
‘Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail–
Assent–and you are sane–
Demur–you’re straightway dangerous–
And handled with a Chain–

Madness = insanity/craziness
 = most perfect, the best
discerning = looking  very carefully/showing good judgement
starkest = most obvious
All = everything
prevail = decides/wins/rules
assent = say yes
demur = say no

In Chat (PRIVATE):

According to the poem:

  1. Who decides who’s normal and who’s crazy?
  2. What does “as ALL” mean?

“The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” (The Twilight Zone)

Think and Discuss:

  • What is the purpose of fear? In other words, why do we get scared?
  • What fears might be called “universal”; shared by most almost all humans?
  • Why do we like it sometimes? (Don’t say, “It’s fun.” Duh.)
  • How does fear affect the decisions you make?
  • In general, what are (most) humans scared of?

Link to TELEPLAY: Monsters-are-Due-on-Maple-Street-Script

Basic script vocabulary: pan, zoom, voiceover, etc.

Assign roles.

Let’s “act.”