Wednesday, 9/28: Vocab, S/CD/CX, Outsiders

“Warm Up, 9/28.”

  1. How many books for how long can you check out of the library?
  2. Why might the library be closed at lunch?
  3. Tuesdays and Thursdays are called ____ Days at the library at lunch.

“Clauses, 9/28.” [I = Independent Clause  D = Dependent Clause]
Choices: I + D,  D + I,  I + I,  D only,  I only

  1. After I ate a doughnut,   I felt blissful.
  2. We climbed slowly   up the very steep hill.
  3. Jimmy ate 17 doughnuts    , but     he didn’t get sick.
  4. The llama passed the test      because he studied.
  5. You must say, “Sir,”      when you say, “Mr. Coward.
  6. I ate a second doughnut   , and      I still felt good.
  7. Where I bought my llama.
  8. Joe ran     to the store with his llama.
  9. When the llama started his company,      he had nothing.
  10. Write a sentence that is I + D.

Debrief Test #5. hmmm.

“Vocab, 9/28.”  barrage, circumvent, reminisce, sullen, siege, defunct, exploit, delirious, dispel, pensive

  1. The large farm owners are often accused of ____(ing) the workers who pick the crops.
  2. Grandpa Simpson likes to ____ about his days as a young man when things were “better.”
  3. I was _____ and bored when Mom made me go to my sister’s ballet recital.
  4. The school newspaper has been __ for a long while, but they hope to revive it next year.
  5. Ponyboy was  ____ when he woke up in the ambulance.
  6.  Two-Bit told Pony about one of his ____(s) while Pony did the dishes.
  7. The thief ____(ed) the alarm system, and was able to steal the jewels.
  8. The root of this word evolved from “to weigh” to “to think.” _____
  9. The root of this word meant “to drive apart.”  _______
  10. The root of this word meant “to bar” or “to ban.”   _______
  11. The roots of this word meant “around to come.”  ________

The Outsiders aloud to page 147. Then…

  1. Finish ch. 9 silently.
  2. Open your notebook, and title it, “Outsiders, Ch. 9.”
  3. Choose ONE of the quotes below, copy it, and respond with a couple of sentences. What’s going on? What does the person mean? Why is this important? Use at least one example from the book to back up whatever you say.
    • Dally: “You look out for yourself and nothin’ can touch you…”  (HINT: ironic.)
    • Johnny: “Stay gold.”
  4. Go get a Chapter 9 Quiz from the stack (WHITE). IN YOUR NOTEBOOK, under the title “Chapter 9 Quiz,” write the ANSWER, not the letter to each question. DO NOT WRITE ON THE HANDOUT! Return it to the pile when you are finished.
  5. Close your notebook and continue reading ch 10.
  6. Faster Readers: Keep your mouths shut.
  7. If you finish chapter 10: Go see Mr. Coward for the Chapter 10 big question. Return to your desk and thoughtfully answer the question in your notebook under the title: “Why?”
  8. Get a copy of the CHAPTER 10 Quiz (Blue) and write the answers, not letters, in your notebook.