Monday, 9/9: Warm Up, Homework, Sentence COMBINING, Outsiders

Advisory Schedule. Link to Slides.

Copy homework into planner:

“Warm Up, 9/9.”

  1. If you are absent from this class on a Wednesday, what should you do at home? Be very specific.
  2. If you are absent on a Monday, what extra step do you need to take?
  3. If you are absent on a Friday for a test, what should you do if at all possible?
    Name the Subject/Predicate combo for each sentence.
  4. The ending of the The Llama Movie was lame.
  5. With a wink of his eye, the llama suddenly disappeared up the chimney.
  6. After that night at the movies, Pony’s life was never the same.

“Sentence Combining, 9/9.”  Combine each group of short, choppy sentences into one smooth-sounding sentence. This time, You may add, subtract, or change words, but make sure to keep the meaning of all the parts.  You will have to punctuate as appropriate. (Bonus: Write more than one combination of each for ++!)
1.  a) Chuckie bounces wildly in his desk.   b) He is the class clown.   c) He clucks like a chicken.     (Hint: Use “-ing.”)

2.  a) His fingers make sounds.   b) The sounds are scratching.   c) They claw the desktop.   d) The desktop is battered.   (Hints: What kind of sounds are they? Use the word “as.”)

3.  a) Then a voice freezes his behavior.    b) The voice is stern.    c) The behavior is disturbing.  (Hints: You can eliminate all but one word in b and c. What kind of voice? What kind of behavior?)

Messy Room Example

The Outsiders