Friday, 4/14: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #27

Prep Sheet for Test #26: Space KBARR: ___/15  SMYK: ___/10   7 Minutes Quiz: ___/8  Bonuses:

Mental Floss.

  1. For each pair of words, move one letter from one word to the other to make a pair of synonyms. The movement could go either way.
    Example: boast — hip.  Move the S and you get boat — ship.
    a) open — cop      b) cave — curt       c) cares — pest
  2. What book can an author never really finish writing?
  3. Think of two-word rhymes that are described by the clues:
    Example: noisy gathering of many people. Answer: loud crowd
    a) fast baby chicken   b) distant automobile   c) spotless computer display   d) excellent serving dish
  4. George Washington’s wife was sweeping when George Washington’s wife slipped and got wet.  How many w’s in all?
  5. When is 30 plus 30 equal to 1?
  6. Change the position of just one of the words below so that all the words are in an alphabetical sequence:
    llama, phoenix, hyena, alligator, beaver, elephant, tortoise, antelope


Test #27.

Doodle Theme: 10 Years from Now.