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Correct Test #25. (32p)
Finish Vladek.
- On the last page, when Vladek is finally reunited with Anja, he says with great sincerity, “More I don’t need to tell you. We were both very happy, and lived happy, happy ever after.” What is sad and ironic about that statement?
- (2) Give at least one reason why Vladek would disapprove of MAUS and one reason he would approve.
Intro to Biographical Sketch.
- At least 650 words. At least 5+ paragraphs:
- Introduction: Setting. Description of scene/setting. How it was set up. Why you chose this person. Relationship to this person.
- Description of person. Show, don’t tell.
- Looks. (Details.)
- Voice and choice of words. Delivery.
- Personality. (Bitter? Enthusiastic? Happy? Lost in memories? Crabby? What?)
- Interview.
- Questions you asked, followed by answers and follow up.
- You may summarize their answers, but please include at least three good quotes (word for word, as close as you can get) that use the person’s actual words.
- Conclusion: Discuss what you learned, most surprising info, most interesting, change in attitude, etc.
- Come up with a creative title that sums up the interview.
- Please print it and then post it on your blog.
- Extra Credit: pics.