Tuesday, 9/19: Advoibs, Vocab, Outsiders

Advisory Skeddy Today.
Slides Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1i7g2joN919wMoV5DwEh_ib9Z18XxWEcKHeOey37K1y0/edit?usp=sharing

LNN: https://youtu.be/OZv8mod3xiY?si=9Bs6aW6MRO8Pc-RH

“Warm Up, 9/19.”

  1. The last piece of pizza was cold. S/V?
  2. Mr. Morton is the subject of the sentence, and what the _____ says he does.
  3. That embarrassing moment when you realize your llama just wrote a run-on sentence.  Fragment, Run-on, or OK?
  4. Up, up, and away went my beautiful llama balloon. Fragment, Run-on, or OK?
  5. The roots of this word meant “to look with disapproval.” savvy, indignant, leery, bluff, acquit, or NOTA?


“Adverbs, 9/19.” (10)

  1. Adverbs describe ____s, ____s, and _____s.
    List the adverbs you find in each sentence.
  2. She jumped up rather suddenly, and left the room.
  3. That llama is absolutely magnificent, and I need it now.
  4. At the pet shop, a cuddly, little kitten snuggled sweetly up to me, and I nearly bought it..
  5. The early bird always gets the worm early.

“Vocab, 9/19.”
discreet, discrete, vain, elicit, illicit, hysterical, contemplate, patronize, stamina, indulge

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. He ____(ed) on the poem for a long time…
  6. …but the meaning of it still ______(ed) him, and he couldn’t figure it out.
  7. legitimate : illicit :: combined : ______
  8. gossipy : discreet :: nonchalant : _____
  9. The teacher tried to ____ the correct response from the students by giving hints.
  10. I did not want to be ___(ed); I felt I was savvy enough to make my own decisions.
  11. I am never going to ____ that store again after they were so rude to me.
  12. It’s my birthday. I’m going to ______myself and eat whatever I want to eat.
  13. The root of this word meant “empty or without substance.”_____


The Outsiders. Link to Online version: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=cmljaGxhbmQyLm9yZ3xsYXdod3xneDoyNjgzNWEzYzVjNDUxOWZi

We will try to get near t he end of chapter 6.