Welcome to the Fourth Quarter!
Short Week! Spring Break Begins on Friday!
3-Mile Run is Thursday!
Copy “homework” into planner.
“Warm Up, 3/21.”
Euphemism (n – U FEM ISM):
A “nice” way of saying something unpleasant.
Examples: passed on = died, sanitation engineer = garbage man, waitress in the sky = flight attendant
- visually disabled =
- solid waste =
- landfill =
- economically disadvantaged =
- undocumented transborder migrant =
- vertically challenged =
- involuntary servitude (noun) =
Try making up your own euphemisms for…
- detention
- a test
- talking too much
- getting an F
“Utopia vs. Dystopia”
“I don’t try to predict the future; I try to prevent it.” -Ray Bradbury
Copy and Respond.
Bonus: What is “Old Glory” a nickname for? Respond thusly: “Old Glory” is the nickname for___________.
What is freedom? Privacy? What do we give up to be “free”?
In England there is 1 surveillance camera for every 14 people. The average Londoner is caught on camera around 300 times per day.
A look at the Bill of Rights. Why is #6 especially important?
“Old Glory” p203.