Thursday, 3/14: Compound Sentences, Agreement, Vocab, Mars

“Tutorial” Schedule.

Tomorrow’s Test: Agreement, The Sheet, Vocab, DTW

“Warm Up, 3/14.”

  1. How much total time did you spend on h/w last night?
  2. What did you do yesterday between school and bed that wasn’t eating, homework, or travel time? List everything you can remember.
  3. What time did you go to bed, lights out?

“Agreement, 3/14.” Write an appropriate PRESENT TENSE verb for each. All must be different.

  1. Anyone who ____ differently is obviously wrong.
  2. All of you ____ what is about to happen.
  3. This class ____ much smarter than a llama.
  4. The squad of llamas ____  going to Disneyland for cheer competition.
  5. Both the llama and his brother ____ working on the rocket.

Debrief Test #24

The last five on side 2 of your sheet will be on the test.

“Compound What? 3/14”  Compound Subject (CS), Compound Verb (CV), Compound Both (CB), Compound Sentence (CD), or NOTA?

  1. Jimmy and the llama went to the store to buy hydrogen.
  2. The llama’s house is energy efficient and saves water by recycling it.
  3. The llama ate three hot dogs, went on a walk, and got a cramp.
  4. My friend the llama and I jumped on our bikes and launched off the ramp.
  5. After I fix this issue, I will deal with the llama.
  6. My best friend’s llama went to the dance, and I went with him.

“Vocab, 3/14.” convivial, prolific, bona fide, deduce, covet, loathe, pariah, condescending, muse, eloquent, obliged

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____ (Not muse.)
  4. _____
  5. The Mad Llamas won the final match and took home the _____(ed) Alpaca Cup!
  6. Pony and Johnny sat in the vacant lot and _____(ed) about a better life.
  7. She _____(ed), from the fur stuck to his clothes, that he owned a llama.
  8. The roots of this word mean “to go down together.”
  9. The roots of this word meant “to lead down.”
  10. The root of this word meant “speaking out.”
  11. The roots of this word meant “sorrow” or “hostile.”
  12. The root of this word meant “to desire.”
  13. The roots of this word meant “live with.”


  1. When the men at the store don’t seem worried, Harry feels…
  2. “Dark They Were…” is told in ___ person.  a) 1st  b) 2nd  c) 3rd omniscient  d) 3rd limited  e) 3rd objective  f) future

Read aloud to at least p231 . Link for Home Reading:–07le_13_ese_darktheygolden_rd/