Friday, 4/12: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #28

Prep Sheet for Test #28:

Space KBARR: ___/24  SMYK: ___/10  BOB Quiz: ___/14  Bonus?

Mental Floss.

  1. “She” is a word that contains two personal pronouns: she and he. What five-letter word beginning with “U” contains four personal pronouns? (Hint: wedding.)
  2. How can you add 2 to 11 and get 1 as the correct answer?
  3. Which is more desirable, an old hundred dollar bill or a new one?
  4. What gets bigger the more you take away from it, but smaller the more you add to it?
  5. What property do 1, 2, 6, and 10 all have that no other whole number has?
  6. Which word in the English language, beginning with “P”, is singular until an “S” is added to the end and it becomes a plural, but reverts back to a singular word if another letter “S” is added to the end?

Test #28.

Doodle Theme: Escape from the Lost World.