Friday, 9/6: Mental Floss, Sentence Scrambles, Plot Mountain, Outsiders

“Tutorial” Schedule.

Checking KBARR (/18).

“Mental Floss, 9/6.”

  1. Removing an appendix is called an appendectomy, removing tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. What is it called when they remove a growth from your head? (haha)
  2. Here is a question on international law: If an international airliner crashed exactly on the U.S.-Mexico border, where would they be required to bury the survivors?
  3. What is the next thing in this sequence. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ____.  See if you can fill in the blank correctly.
  4. When does 1+1+1=1?


“Sentence Scramble, 9/6.” Use every word. Do not break up the pieces. DO NOT ADD ANY WORDS. Rearrange the chunks until you get the right-sounding sentence. Write it down. There might be more than one way (bonus)!

  1. –the electrical outlet  –grabbing   –Crazy Cathy   –the cat’s tail   –headed for
  2. –her creamed corn   –yelling   –at the baby-sitter   –onto the floor   –Jennifer flipped
  3. –was rising  –as I listened  — go on and on  –to Johnny’s quiet voice  –a panic  –in me

“Plot Mountain, 9/6.” Use the diagram in your notebook.
Which part of Plot Mountain?

  1. “And they lived happily ever after.”
  2. The 5 W’s usually are given here.
  3. Nemo gets taken.
  4. Where most of the action usually occurs.
  5. Dad finds Nemo in Finding Nemo.
  6. A book with a sequel will sometimes leave out which two parts?


The Outsiders aloud.