“Alternayee, 6/1.” Anagrams! Each of the phrases below unscrambles into the name of a character from one of our books/stories. If the last name is given in the book, it is included in the anagram. Ignore the apostrophe and the spaces and the capitals. Use all the letters.
1. Satan Owns Dill. 2. Rajah’s Pen. 3. Their Veg. 4. Peeved Llama Kings 5. Me So Warty
Message to 6th Grade.
Singles or Partners.
Due by Next Monday. It’s only homework if you don’t finish in class.
Storyboard That! People:
If you have already used the site, log in with the account you already created. Just save this one into an appropriate folder.
If you are a Noob:
- Copy the following key: ever420
- Click the link below, and choose “I’m a new user.”
Join Storyboard That - Click on the Google Button and sign in with your @student.slcusd.org username and password.
- Join the classroom:
a) The School is Laguna-MS. b) Paste the key (ever420) and c) use your real first name and last initials. - In the upper right, click Create a Storyboard.
- Save to the appropriate “Message to 6th Grade” folder.
HERE are some photos of Laguna to use in your comic.