Wednesday, 9/28: Vocab, FROs, Outsiders

Checking: SMYK Sentences.

Blog of the day: Reading Rainbow Knockoff.

“Vocabulary and SAWs, 9/28.” You will use words more than once.
1. ____  2. ____ 3._____ 4.____
5.  flashback : reveals :: ____ : foreshadows
6. He was a bit ____ after he got hit in the head during the rumble.
7. Two-Bit told Pony about one of his ____(s) while Pony did the dishes.
8. The company that made that toy is now ______, so you can’t buy it any more.
9. mature : juvenile :: clear-headed : _______
10. The thief ____(ed) the alarm system, and was able to steal the jewels.
11. It is sometimes fun to ___ a little brother or sister’s lack of savvy.
12. Ponyboy says he drinks Pepsi “like a ______.”
13. *** dying : defunct :: sufficient : _____
14. *** Draw a picture that represents one of the SAWs for this week. Each person in the group has to pick a different word to draw. We will trade notebooks when we get to this one and see if someone else can ID your picture.

“FROs, 9/28.” CS, F, RO?

  1. Five times in a row the boys rode the roller coaster.
  2. The curtain opened the show began.
  3. For example, the introduction of llamas into the classroom.
  4. May groan, spit, or kick.
  5. A young llama, while a bit awkward, is still a scary opponent.
  6. What a fragment is.
  7. Up one side and down the other went the llama.
  8. This restaurant discriminates against llamas let’s boycott it!

