Checking: SMYK Sentences.
Blog of the day: Reading Rainbow Knockoff.
“Vocabulary and SAWs, 9/28.” You will use words more than once.
1. ____ 2. ____ 3._____ 4.____
5. flashback : reveals :: ____ : foreshadows
6. He was a bit ____ after he got hit in the head during the rumble.
7. Two-Bit told Pony about one of his ____(s) while Pony did the dishes.
8. The company that made that toy is now ______, so you can’t buy it any more.
9. mature : juvenile :: clear-headed : _______
10. The thief ____(ed) the alarm system, and was able to steal the jewels.
11. It is sometimes fun to ___ a little brother or sister’s lack of savvy.
12. Ponyboy says he drinks Pepsi “like a ______.”
13. *** dying : defunct :: sufficient : _____
14. *** Draw a picture that represents one of the SAWs for this week. Each person in the group has to pick a different word to draw. We will trade notebooks when we get to this one and see if someone else can ID your picture.
“FROs, 9/28.” CS, F, RO?
- Five times in a row the boys rode the roller coaster.
- The curtain opened the show began.
- For example, the introduction of llamas into the classroom.
- May groan, spit, or kick.
- A young llama, while a bit awkward, is still a scary opponent.
- What a fragment is.
- Up one side and down the other went the llama.
- This restaurant discriminates against llamas let’s boycott it!