Tuesday, 1/17: Copy Homework, Clauses, Maus

Welcome to Semester Two!

Copy homework into assignment book.

“Clauses, 1/17.” If an item is a sentence consisting of only ONE INDEPENDENT clause, write I. If an item is a fragment consisting of only ONE DEPENDENT clause, write D. If an item is a sentence consisting of BOTH, write I + D or D + I.

  1. The wax is melting because it’s too hot.
  2. When my brother started college.
  3. Some banks encourage savings accounts for young people.
  4. After she watched the news Tara ate a cheese roll.
  5. If you leave money in an account at least six months.

  6. Write a sentence that consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause. (Tip: Use a word like: although, when, if, or after.)


Prep for 120 Seconds. Writing your intro. You need about 200 words.

  1. Start with a little hook:
    • Imagine yourself…
    • Throughout history mankind has…
    • It was a dark and stormy night…
    • What do you call a… (joke)
    • Once upon a time…
    • Have you ever wondered…
    • What if…
    • Jimmy was a boy who…
    • Scary, gripping, and difficult to put down…
    • Etc.
  2. Give us the required info:
    • Title
    • Author
    • Genre (Not just fiction/non; we want something like romance, sci fi, horror, mystery, fantasy, comedy, historical fiction, etc.)
  3. Time for the 5 W’s for the BOOK:
    • This is the story of…
    • This book is about…
    • Set in the future…
    • Not too much detail; you have less than a minute.
  4. Now to set up the PASSAGE:
    • This is the part of the book where…
    • This is the scene when…
    • _____ is about to _____


Any volunteers for tomorrow?


Art Spiegelman about why he used mice and cats. (2:00-3:40)
