Wednesday, 10/11: Apostrophes, Vocab, Outsiders

“Sentence Scramble, 10/11.”  Unscramble into a smooth sentence. You must use all the pieces intact, but there is more than one way to arrange them. Write the completed and punctuated sentence in your notebook. (+1 each for extras.)

  • her creamed corn
  • yelling
  • at the baby sitter
  • onto the floor
  • Jennifer flipped



“Apostrophes, 10/11.” Pluralize and/or possessify. 

  1. She’s sure ____ going to be all right. (it)
  2. My friend _____ goal is to become an astronaut. (Maria)
  3. _____ bright idea was this?  (who)
  4. It was every single _____ nightmare. (student)
  5. The llama wagged ____ tail. (it)
  6. All the ____ clothing is on the second floor. (more than one man)
  7. All the _____ uniforms were new. (player)
  8. The best era for music was the ____. (70)


“Vocab, 10/11.”
Mona-Lisa-2Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.blankface

  1. What a(n) ______(ing) smile!
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. “I’m not paranoid! I’m _____ about being apprehended!”
  5. While Mr. Buffy was in training, he took several different vitamin ______(s). (You’ll have to change the form of the word.)
  6. The principal had to ____ through all the conflicting stories to get at the truth.
  7. The fan ____(ed) her way into the sold-out concert by flirting with the security guard.
  8. I was ____ when I saw the 5/10 rating from the guest teacher! (Not apprehensive.)
  9. People get cosmetic surgery because they think it will _____ their appearance.
  10. Cigarette smoking has ___(ed) since 1967 to its lowest rate ever.
  11. As a rule, grandparents respond to _____(ing) more than parents do.
  12. *It is supposed to be a _____(ic) moment when we recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


Outsiders, 9-10. Place the events below on Plot Mountain. More than one event can be in the same place.
exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution

  1. the fire in the church ______
  2. the greasers win the rumble ______
  3. Pony wakes up with a concussion ______
  4. Johnny and Dally die ______
  5. Johnny kills Bob ______
  6. the boys hide out in the church ______
  7. Dally, Johnny, and Pony go to the movies ______

Big Questions so far:

Did Dally die gallant?  What makes you think so/not? Why was his death sadder than Johnny’s?

Outsiders, chapter 11.

How long has passed up to now since the beginning of the book?