Wednesday, 4/11: Husker Du, Vocab, Poem

“Husker Du, 4/11.”

  1. We are going to the ______  for dinner.  (Lopez – all of them.)
  2. Please make sure you cross all the ____ in your essay.  (T)
  3. The sign said “_____ Greetings.”  (Season)
  4. I saw at least five _____ in Las Vegas.  (Elvis)
  5. Jack fell down and broke his crown, Jill came tumbling after.   a) Fragment  b) Run-On  c) Complete Sentence
  6. The upstairs library is a great place for quiet study.  Adjectives?  a) upstairs  b) great, quiet  c) upstairs, great, quiet  d) upstairs, great  e) NOTA


“Vocab, 4/11.”


  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. _____
  7. He seemed smart, even though most of the facts he knew were rather _____.
  8. Why do we have to go through all this ___ just to add on to our house?
  9. somber : jovial :: humility : _______
  10. “He pinched her arm, a little bit with _____(ity), and a little bit with meanness, to get her to pay attention.”


Convince me you’re not crazy!

Poem #435    by Emily Dickinson

Much Madness is divinest Sense–
To a discerning Eye–
Much Sense–the starkest Madness–
‘Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail–
Assent–and you are sane–
Demur–you’re straightway dangerous–
And handled with a Chain–
divinest = most perfect
discerning eye = one that looks closely and carefully
starkest = most obvious
prevail = win, rule,
assent = say yes, agree
demur = say no, disagree

Together with your group, “translate” the poem. Yes, rewrite it in your own words. You should end up with 5 sentences.

  1. Use the vocab guide to help you.
  2. Pay special attention to the line:  “‘Tis the Majority In this as ALL, prevail…”
  3. What is the message of the poem? Is she correct?


“The Earth Men”