Tuesday, 10/8: Apostrophes (Again), Vocab, Outsiders

“Sentence Practice, 10/8.” You don’t even need a comma if you do it correctly!

  • that the doctor
  • if we didn’t
  • we stayed with you
  • told us
  • in the hospital ourselves
  • we were going to
  • get some sleep
  • end up
  • so much


“Apostophes and Plurals, 10/8.”

  1. Spend as long washing ____ hands… (you)
  2. …as it takes to say the _____. (ABC)
  3. We had four ______ in class. (Jake)
  4. The____ clothes are on the second floor (more than 1 child)
  5. Five ____ parents will be guests of honor.  (student)
  6. ______ hair is pretty cool.  (Elvis)
  7. I think that llama is _____.   (they)
  8. The ______ live down the street from us.  (Jones)
  9. I think ____ OK. (they)
  10. Is the title spelled correctly?


Checking Definitions.


“Vocab, 10/8.” * = AW. (13)

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. boring : compelling :: aloof : ____
  7. The “consequences” for misbehavior in schools in the old days were sometimes pretty ______. I remember getting hit by a ruler more than once.
  8. His brother’s sudden disappearance caused great ____ in the family.
  9. Even though there is actually a(n) _____(ce) of  food being grown in the world, most of it doesn’t get to the people who need it.
  10. (3) Choose the vocab adjective that describes each character.
    – Johnny is _____.
    – According to Cherry, Dally is _____.
    – According to Darry, Pony is _____.
  11. * _____


The Outsiders.  Let’s finish it off.

After: Reread the middle paragraph on p179/p155. It’s the one that begins, “Tell Dally.” What is Pony’s purpose in writing this all down? Respond in your notebook. Do not quote; explain! Make sure your answer has at least one of the following words in it:  because, although, since, even though.

Project Examples.