Friday, 11/20: Vocab Relay, Paperwork, Test 13.

Have a great Thanksgiving vacation!
KBARBlog Makeup: If you have a KBAR score of 25/40 or less, do 4 days of reading/blogging during the break to replace that ugly score.

Vocabulary Relay. (Except per. 5: 56 seconds.)

Prep sheet for Test #13:
NVA Warm Ups: ___/3  ___/3  ___/8  ___/8
Vocabulary h/w: ___/20     Vocabulary Warm Ups: ___/11  ___/11  ___/11
Other Extra Credit: (Might include +1 for Guillermo, +1 for moss, +1 each  for extra “Although/If” sentences. Vocabulary Relay Winners get +3.)


Mental Floss8thgradeprez.

  1. Which one of the following does not belong with the others? Why? (Not a trick. Must get both parts correct.)
    binoculars, eyeglasses, goggles, handlebars, jeans, pliers, scissors, shoes, tweezers
  2. Where can you finish reading several books before you finish even one sentence?
  3. How many sides does a circle have? Explain.
  4. I have three of the same digit. Put together they make twelve. The digit is not 4. What digit is it?
  5. Their are for mestakes in this teaser. Name all the errors.
  6. What year was the above picture taken?

TEST #13.  Doodle Theme: The Ultimate Vacation!

Shoot ‘Em Up!