Monday, 2/3: Homework, AW’s, Debrief Test #20, SPELLING!

Copy homework into planner. This is “Bootstrap Month”!
Bonus: What does the expression “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” mean?
Remember that Interview Notes are due on Thursday!

“AWs, 2/3.
abandon (verb) to give up; to leave behind
frivolous (adjective) not important; silly
contemporary (adjective) modern; current
dramatic (adjective) exciting; full of emotion; extreme
exploit (verb) to take advantage of
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  1. _____ Graph that shows a sudden, large increase
  2. _____ Pic of a destroyed building where obviously nobody has lived in awhile
  3. _____ Pic of a roll of money used as toilet paper
  4. _____ Pic of a modern house with a groovy pool
  5. There was a _____ change in his behavior after he started the medication.
  6. It is usually easy to _____ a little brother’s lack of savvy and make him do what you want.
  7. He ____(ed) the project before it was finished because he ran out of money.
  8. If we use the word _____ as a noun, it can also mean an adventure.
  9. One reason people may dislike lawyers is due to ____ lawsuits that waste everybody’s time and money.
  10. The roots of this word mean “of the present time.” _____


“Spelling, 2/3.” Bonus: What spelling rule do this week’s words follow?

  1. refusal : cooperation :: childishness : _____
  2. rewrite : revision :: story : ______ 
  3. purpose : function :: guideline : _______
  4. locker : storage :: _____ : security
  5. soldier : obedient :: artist : _____


Debrief Test #20. Really?!   S/CD/CX ALLLLLLL DAY!

