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Scores in Chat: Word Count: ___, Vocab: ___/10, ___/12, ___/12
New Vocab! Check the HOMEWORK PAGE.
KBARR should be finished and sent! (3x) Only 3x again this week.
SGI Today (TUESDAY, 2/16): Test Retakes (<19/28), Extra Credit Vocab (put it in your 600 words!), and Zero Clearing!
Interview questions due Wednesday (1,2,3)/Thursday (5,6)
Mental Floss in Chat (PRIVATE!!!! PRIVATE!!!! PRIVATE!!!!)
- Which one of the following does not belong with the others? Why? (Not a trick. Must get the reason correct.)
binoculars, eyeglasses, goggles, handlebars, jeans, pliers, scissors, shoes, tweezers - Where can you finish reading several books before you finish even one sentence?
- How many sides does a circle have? Explain.
- I have three of the same digit. Put together they make twelve. The digit is not 4. What digit is it?
- Their are for mestakes in this teaser. Name all the errors.
- What is the English word that can be formed using all these letters? PNLLEEEESSSSS.
SGI for RETAKES for scores <19/28.
Finished Early? You may leave and go work on work.