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28 Days!
Test 16B is tomorrow. Preview is Here: Test 16B Preview.
Remember: No ZOOM tomorrow, but be sure to go to the website and do what it says to get credit for attendance. This must happen between 7:50 am and 3:00 pm.
Maus Essay. Due Wednesday, 5/5 (1,2,3) – Thursday, 5/6 (5,6)
P1: (Maybe start with a brief example for an opener.) Restate the question and state your thesis (yes/no), and list your reasons.
P2-4 or 5: Explain your reasons with specific examples from the book and show at least one counter example to prove your point.
Last P: Come up with a “tag line” kinda like theirs (“…impossible to achieve…”), but not quite. 😉
“Scrambles and Transitions, 4/28 (4/29).” Unscramble into sentences. Do not add or subtract. Try to punctuate correctly! There may be more than one way especially for #3!
- –however –more books –I would like –I don’t have –to read –enough time
- –nevertheless –seems effective –more research –to see –the medication –must be done — if it’s safe
- –in fact — at all –a beast –a gentle giant –is not –that llama –he is
“Prepositions! 4/28 (4/29)” Copy the underlined part and say whether it is a prepositional phrase or not.
Bonus: What kinds of sentences are 1/2, 3/4, 5/6? S/CD/CX?
- Rudolpho was upset because his llama ate the last of the cheeselog.
- His llama was upset because his Rudolpho ate the last of the cheeselog.
- We must repair the fence, or the llamas will rush through the school!
- We must repair the fence, or the llamas will rush through the school!
- We can wait in the limo while the llama checks for crazy fans.
- We can wait in the limo while the llama checks for crazy fans.
- Everybody is supposed to run a mile of hilly terrain.
“Vocab, 4/28 (4/29.)”
tentative, infringe, reprieve, benign, profound, indolent, relinquish, exasperate, (in)conspicuous, (un)scrupulous, haphazard
- _____ Pic of the classic statue, The Thinker.
- _____Cartoon of two guys looking out from the top of a skyscraper saying, “Yes, the view is nice—but I mostly want people to look up here and think how rich I am.”
- _____Pic of a pack of dogs with a fox blending in.
- _____ Pic of a cute little lamb taking its first steps. (NOT: benign, scrupulous, haphazard, or indolent, or any other “it could be’s.” Sigh.)
- “Ninety-nine percent of lawyers give the rest of us a bad name.” (haha) ______
- Much to her relief, the doctor said the tumor was _____ and not cancerous.
- He prepared so ______(ly) that his presentation was painful to watch. (Not: tentative or indolent.)
- After asking for (previous vocab word for bonus), the student received a _____ and was released from detention.
- The neighbor’s fence _____(ed) on our property, so they had to move it.
- Sometimes second period can be ______(ing), but when certain people are absent, it can be a fun class.
- The word ______ comes from a word that means ethics or morals.