Wednesday, 5/5 (Periods 1,2,3) – Thursday, 5/6 (Periods 1,2,3)

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Wednesday/Thursday: Essays are Due! Definitions Due!


Test Friday: Husker Du (inc. prepositions), Vocab, Vladek. Preview is here: Test 17 Preview

“Husker Du, 5/5 (5/6).” a) dogged  b) indignant  c) conducive  d) wistful  e) implore  f) subside  g) acquit  h) leery  i) gorge  j) bluff

  1. A good attitude is very ____ to doing well in school.
  2. The jury voted to ______ because there wasn’t enough evidence to find him guilty.
  3. I waited until Mom’s anger ___(ed), and then asked for forgiveness.
    For a brief moment, Jimmy stupidly thought he could fly like a graceful bird across the blue sky.
  4. stupidly.  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective  d) NOTA
  5. fly.  a) noun  b) verb  c) adjective  d) NOTA
    (What’s wrong with #6?)
  6. Danny told us about the great vacation he had at lunch.    a)  prep phrase   b) not a prep phrase
  7. I am going to skip on my way home from Grandmother’s house.    a)  prep phrase   b) not a prep phrase
  8. I am going to skip on my way to Grandmother’s house.    a)  prep phrase   b) not a prep phrase

“Vocab, 5/5 (5/6).”
augment, wretched, meager, suppress, exuberant, impede, fleeting, wry, lethargic, escalate


  1. _____ Pic of a basketball player getting in another player’s way as he drives to the basket.
  2. _____ Drawing of a face with hands covering the eyes and mouth.
  3. _____ Pic of a little boy very excited and joyful about a pine tree.
  4. _____ Pic of a plate with one pea on it and a knife and fork poised over it.
  5. The mayfly’s life is very _____. A mayfly only lives to reproduce and is alive for only 24 hours.
  6. After the police mishandled the fight, it ____(ed) into a riot.
  7. He tried to ___ his income by selling magazines door to door.
  8. Although you might think they do, recent studies have concluded that cough _____(ants) don’t really stop your cough.
  9. Some teachers keep their classrooms very cold because they think it keeps the students from being too ____.
  10. The amount of food coupons given to the Jews only allowed them very ____ portions, not enough to get survive legally.
  11. The Lemony Snicket books are known for their ____ humor about seemingly terrible events.
  12. On the last day of school, the kids ran _____(ly) through the halls.
  13. His pants were so tight they _____(ed) his movement.

Finish Vladek.

The DP Camp where Vladek got word about Anja: Bergen-Belsen Displaced Persons Camp

  1. On the last page, when Vladek is finally reunited with Anja, he says with great sincerity, “More I don’t need to tell you.  We were both very happy, and lived happy, happy ever after.” What is sad and ironic about that statement?
  2. Art Spiegelman has said that the final page of Maus II really has at least three endings. What stories is it the ending of?
  3. Give at least one reason why Vladek would disapprove of MAUS and one reason he would approve.