ZoomaZoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/6580428380?pwd=SCs3NDRHcUJIbWE1SXdQVUdKUGpZdz09
Slides Link for Homies: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10oZUdf6dfBLaotw57EplmNOfJ8rBGiIl_1RCgoqFAmw/edit?usp=sharing
Thank you for you cooperation while I was gone!
We will deal with SBAC issues next week. Mr. Schalde will take care of everything.
I will be catching up on late KBARR, or KBARR I somehow “missed,” or whatever else ails you by Tuesday afternoon. I am SOOO DONE with people turning in late work and then “demanding” I fix their grade. You just ended up at the back of the line.
Only 17 Days of School Left!
Warm Up in Chat. Preview of YEE: Year End Essentials.
Sort of like a final exam. Here’s a sample of Part I of III. You must receive 100% to move to the next section.
Instructions: Write three short sentences in the order below. Make no punctuation or spelling errors.
- In the first one, use the word RUNNING as a VERB.
- In the second one, use the word RUNNING as a NOUN.
- In the third one, use the word RUNNING as an ADJECTIVE.
I will change the word each time we do this.
“Vocab Practice, 5/14.” (6p)
augment, wretched, meager, suppress, exuberant, impede, fleeting, wry, lethargic, escalate
- After the second offense the punishment _____(ed) from scolding to use of the discipline wand.
- Pokemon Go is an example of a game that uses _____(ed) reality, adding extra features to the real world through technology.
- The roots of this word meant “to chain the FEET of.”
- The root of this word meant “to float or swim.”
- The root of this word meant “skinny or “lean” (as in no fat).
- The roots of this word meant “banished person.”
Go have a FUN weekend!