Tuesday, 9/20: Vocab, Clauses, Outsiders

“NVAA, 9/20.” COPY the sentence and label each word as N, V, ADJ, ADV. (8p. Bonus if you know the crossed out ones too!)

Homer stupidly hit his fat head on the closed door yesterday.

“Vocab, 9/20.”

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. He _______(ed) the meaning of the poem for a long time.
  6. legitimate : illicit :: combined : ______
  7. gossipy : discreet :: nonchalant : _____
  8. The teacher tried to ____ the correct response from the students by giving hints.
  9. I did not want to be ___(ed); I felt I was savvy enough to make my own decisions.
  10. I am never going to ____ that store again after they were so rude to me.
  11. It’s my birthday. I’m going to ______myself and eat whatever I want to eat.
  12. The root of this word meant “empty or without substance.”_____

COPY into notebook:
A CLAUSE is a group of words that has a subject and a verb.
An INDEPENDENT CLAUSE can stand alone as a sentence.
A DEPENDENT CLAUSE cannot stand alone. (because, if, when, although, since…)

“Clauses, 9/20.” ID the underlined clause as IND or DEP.   EXAMPLE: DEP.  Please bring your camera when you visit.
1. The llamas , which we grew ourselves, taste wonderful.
2. Jennifer bought that llama when it was just a puppy.
3. This is Diego, whose llama you met yesterday.
4. If you need more llamas , I can loan you some.
5. Rain has fallen every weekend since the llama bought his skates.
6. When the llama lands, please stay in your seats.
7. The door opened before the llama walked up the stairs.
8. You can talk to Mr. Llama before class starts.
9. The instrument that you heard is a llamaphone.
10. Because he reads quickly, the llama  can finish this story in an evening.
11. Write a complex sentence by adding a DEPENDENT CLAUSE to the following independent one:  The llama was annoyed.

The Outsiders.

  1. What does Randy say Bob wanted from his parents that he never got?
  2. What makes Pony finally realize Cherry was right when she said, “Things are rough all over”?
  3. How was Bob like Johnny?