Tuesday, 3/22: Parts of Speech Review, Euphemisms, “Old Glory”

Bonus: A recent report says that teenagers age 13+ spend an average of _____hrs./day using “media.”  Kids age 8-12 spend an average of _______hrs/day.

“Warm Up, 3/22.” (Prep for MadLib quiz on Thursday!)
Copy the sentence and label each word with its part of speech. (The word his is a pronoun. Ignore the word the.  10p)

Homer tripped very awkwardly and hit his fat head on the door.



“Euphemisms II.” Copy and translate each euphemism.
Bonus: Euthanasia is a euphemism for…
Bonus II: The prefix eu means… ________

  1. intentionally inaccurate statement
  2. monthly accommodation payment
  3. governmental revenue ($) enhancement
  4. chronologically advanced
  5. friendly fire
  6. encore telecast


KBARBlog Sharing.

A look at the Bill of Rights. Why is #6 especially important?


“Old Glory” p203.
Bonus Question: Uncle Sam is a nickname for ________.

What would a “Civic Responsibility” class be all about?
Note the title and date!




Monday, 3/21: Copy “Homework,” Euphemisms, “Old Glory”

Welcome to the Fourth Quarter!
Short Week! Spring Break Begins on Friday!
3-Mile Run is Thursday!

Copy “homework” into planner.

“Warm Up, 3/21.”
Euphemism (n – U FEM ISM):
A “nice” way of saying something  unpleasant.

Examples: passed on = died, sanitation engineer = garbage man, waitress in the sky = flight attendant

  1. visually disabled =
  2. solid waste =
  3. landfill =
  4. economically disadvantaged =
  5. undocumented transborder migrant =
  6. vertically challenged =
  7. involuntary servitude (noun)  =

Try making up your own euphemisms for…

  • detention
  • a test
  • talking too much
  • getting an F


“Utopia vs. Dystopia”

“I don’t try to predict the future; I try to prevent it.” -Ray Bradbury

Copy and Respond.

Bonus: What is “Old Glory” a nickname for? Respond thusly: “Old Glory” is the nickname for___________.

What is freedom? Privacy? What do we give up to be “free”?

In England there is 1 surveillance camera for every 14 people. The average Londoner is caught on camera around 300 times per day.

A look at the Bill of Rights. Why is #6 especially important?

Old Glory” p203.





Friday, 3/18: Last Day of Q3, Essay, STAR, ETC

Meet in G2.

  • Sit at the computer with the same number as your clicker.

Work your way down the list today:

  1. Finish, PROOFREAD, and print your essay. Please remember to include name and period. If you haven’t finished with five minutes to go in the period, print what you have.
  2. Take the STAR reading test.
    • Click: Start (Windows Logo)–All Programs–Applications–StarReader–StarReader 242-S.
    • Find and double-click on your class period on the list: “Mr. Coward’s ___ Period.”
    • Find and double-click on your name. The list is alphabetical by last name. If you don’t see your name on the list, come see me immediately.
    • THIS TIME THE PASSWORD IS YOUR INITIALS: If your name is Jimmy Cheeselog, your STAR password would be jc.
    • Once the test begins, your mouse no longer works. Use the number keys to select the correct answer and press ENTER. The first three are easy practice ones to show you how it works.  GO!
    • When you are finished, click Stop Testing and exit the program.
  3. Get a pair of headphones, CLICK HERE, and watch the technology video. I don’t care if you have already seen it. In your notebook, write a summary sentence and a reaction sentence. The reaction sentence should contain the word because.
  4. If you STILL have time, CLICK HERE and start the ETC Portal Scavenger Hunt.

Thursday, 3/17: Argumentative Essay

DAY TWO of Three.

Printlink. Click the link. Click Add Printer. When you go to print, click Change and choose the printer that has D5 in the name.

You should be working on writing the essay today.


  • Argument vs Evidence!
    • Argument: “…social media can affect our ability to make real friends…
    • Evidence: “Matt Brashears…says that in the past 20 years fewer and fewer Americans have intimate friendships. (Source #1)”
  • Read the directions first!
  • Mark up the articles; highlight/circle the evidence you want to use (1, 2) for your arguments and the opposing argument and the rebuttal (argument 3).
  • Remember to cite the sources! (“According to Source #1…”)
  • Be sure to use something from all three sources.
  • a) Intro w/THESIS  b) Arg #1 + evidence  c) Arg #2 + evidence  d) Oppo + Arg #3 rebuttal  e) Conc.
  • Take your time! You have plenty!

Wednesday, 3/16: Argumentative Writing Essay

DAY ONE of Three.


  • Argument vs Evidence!
    • Argument: “…social media can affect our ability to make real friends…
    • Evidence: “Matt Brashears…says that in the past 20 years fewer and fewer Americans have intimate friendships. (Source #1)”
  • Read the directions first!
  • Mark up the articles; highlight/circle the evidence you want to use (1, 2) for your arguments and the opposing argument and the rebuttal (argument 3).
  • Remember to cite the sources! (“According to Source #1…”)
  • Be sure to use something from all three sources.
  • a) Intro w/THESIS  b) Arg #1 + evidence  c) Arg #2 + evidence  d) Oppo + Arg #3 rebuttal  e) Conc.
  • Take your time! You have plenty!