Friday, 10/6: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #7

Prep sheet for Test #7:
KBAR: ___/40
Vocabulary Homework: ____/20   Vocab Practices: 10/3: ____/12    10/4: ____/13
Other Extra Credit:   +3 for Periods 2 AND 3 for Vocab Relay. +1 for extra SC sentence.


Mental Floss.

  1. Supply the missing four words to make a famous expression. (No, you don’t get to ask any questions.)
    “Failure ____  ____  ____  ____.”
    Options: a) Success  b) Victory  c) Triumph  d) Accomplishment
  2. In each sentence below, an animal is concealed. For example, the sentence, “What shall I do, Gertrude?” has the word dog concealed. Find the hidden animal in each sentence.
    • a) He used his powers of persuasion to summon key people to the meeting.
    • b) Did I ever tell you, that at camp in the fall, I once found a ten dollar gold piece?
    • c) Asking nutty questions can be most annoying.
  3. A man made up a seven-character password (letters and numbers only) for his e-mail  account, and he wanted to write it down somewhere in case he forgot it. But he didn’t want to write down the actual password, so he wrote this sentence: “You force Heaven to be empty.”  What was his password?
  4. What number is always found in the middle of the telephone directory?
  5. What famous saying is represented here?
    zain yain xain wain vain uain tain sain rain qain oain nain main lain kain jain iain hain fain eain dain cain bain aain
  6. A pen and a pencil together cost $1.10. The pen costs exactly $1.00 more than the pencil. What does each cost? (Not a trick, just math.)


Test #7.

Doodle Theme: Complete the Doodle given.

Friday, 9/22: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #5

Prep sheet for Test #5:
KBARR: _____/40       Vocabulary Homework: ___/20
Vocab:   9-19:___/12    9-20:___/13    9-21:___/11
Other Extra Credit: +? for FROs, +3 for Per. 3 for Vocab Relay, +1 for all other classes for Vocab Relay, +1 each for extra combined sentences.

Mental Floss.

  1. Explain how I do it: “In my bedroom, the nearest lamp that I  usually keep turned on is 12 feet away from my bed. Alone in the room, without using wires, strings, or any other aids or contraptions, I can turn out the light on that lamp and get into bed before the room is dark.”
  2. What are the elusive characters; missing two letters or numbers? (In other words, what letters go into the blanks? The answer is NOT R and E.)
    W  A  T  E  ___ M  ___  L  O  N
  3. 1961 was a special year (besides the fact that Mr. Coward was born then). In fact, the next time a year will be this special will be the year 6009. What is so special about those two years?
  4. If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?
  5. In each sentence below, an animal is concealed. For example, the sentence, “What shall I do, Gertrude?” has the word dog concealed. Find the hidden animal in each sentence.
    • a) Horace tries in school to be a very good boy.
    • b) People who drive too fast are likely to be arrested.
    • c) For the Halloween party, John came looking like a radish.
  6. When does 1+1+1=1?

Test #5

Doodle Theme: Music.

Friday, 9/15: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #4

Prep Sheet for Test #4:
KBARR: ___/35         Vocabulary Homework: ___/20
NVA: ___/9  ___/9 ___/9    Vocab Practices: ___/13  ___/12  ___/12
Other Extra Credit:  Period 3 gets +3 for winning Vocab Relay. Period 2 gets +1 for finishing under a minute.



Mental Floss.

  1. Sue is both the 50th best and the 50th worst student at her school. How many students attend her school? (Not a trick, just math.)
  2. You have six sticks that are vertical on the floor like this:
    |  |  |  |  |  |
    Add five more sticks to make nine.
  3. An archaeologist uncovers an ancient tomb, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.  Two, unclothed, long-dead bodies are found in the tomb.  One is an adult male, the other an adult female.  Both bodies are perfectly preserved, although dry and leathery with age.  The archaeologist takes one look and exclaims: “It’s a miracle! I have found Adam and Eve.”  How did the archaeologist know this at a glance?
  4. Here is a question on international law: If an international airliner crashed exactly on the U.S.-Mexico border, where would they be required to bury the survivors?
  5. Removing an appendix is called an appendectomy, removing tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. What is it called when they remove a growth from your head? (haha)
  6. What is the next thing in this sequence. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ____.  See if you can fill in the blank correctly.

Test #4.

Doodle Theme: FUN!

Friday, 9/1: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #2

Prep Sheet for Test #2:
Adjectives: ___/5  ___/5  ___/5
KBAR total for the week: KBAR: ___/40     Vocabulary Homework: ____/20
Vocabulary Practices: ___/11  ___/12  ___/11
Other Extra Credit: +3 for Per. 1 for Vocab Relay, +1 for Kal El.


Mental Floss.

  1. A boat has a ladder hanging off the side that has six rungs. Each rung is one foot apart. The bottom rung is one foot from the water. The tide rises at 12 inches every 15 minutes. High tide peaks in one hour. When the tide is at its highest, how many rungs are under water?
  2. Show how it is possible to name the capital of each and every one of the United States in less than a minute.
  3. Which is correct, “bigger of two halves” or “biggest of two halves”?
  4. Johnny’s mother had four children. The first was April, the second was May, and the third was June. What was the name of her fourth child?
  5. There are ten sheep walking in a straight line across a field. What numbered sheep can look back and say he is the third from the last in line?
  6. A house painter paints numbers on all the new houses in a neighborhood from 1-100. How many times does he have to paint the digit 9? (Not a trick; I’m just betting you can’t count.)


Test #2.


Finished early? Your choices:
1) Doodle – Theme: “Weird Planet.” The theme is optional; you may doodle about whatever you want. If I like it you get get extra credit.
2) Trackword. 10 words = +1, 20 = +2, etc.
3) Read something.
4) Nap. Just don’t snore.
5) Stare blankly (and silently) into space.

Have a tremendous 3-day weekend!


Friday, 8/25: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #1

Homies Fire Drill Schedule! Periods are 2 minutes shorter. Fire Drill runs from 9:14-9:29.


Prepare sheet for Test #1. Look in your notebook for your warm ups this week:
Vocabulary Homework: ____/20 (If you have Extra Credit sentences, leave this blank until I read your sentences.)
Warm Ups: 8-22___/11   8-23:____/12   8-24:___/9  Adjectives:___/7
Other Extra Credit: +1 for Esteban, +1 for Period 1 for Vocab Relay.

Mental Floss: Brain teasers and trick questions to scrape the mucous off your brain before the test. Purely extra credit. NO penalty for wrong answers, so you may as well guess. Write the answers at the top of your test sheet. If it looks like a trick, it probably is.

  1. You have two coins that total 15 cents, but one of them is not a nickel. How is that possible?
  2. What is the volume of dirt in a hole 6 feet long, 8 feet deep, and 4 feet wide?
  3. A farmer had seventeen sheep; all but nine died. How many are left?
  4. What heavy six letter word can you take one letter away from and have eight left?
  5.  You are in a mountain cabin, and it is freezing and dark. The cabin has an old gas lantern, a wood burning stove, and an oil burning heater. You have only one match. Which do you light first?
  6. A fish weighs 10 pounds plus half its weight. How much does it weigh? (Not a trick; just math.)


Test #1. Circle the correct answer. NOTA = None of the Above.

Finished early? Your choices:
1) Doodle on the back of the test – Theme: The messiest room you can imagine. The theme is optional; you may doodle about whatever you want. If I like it you get get extra credit.
2) Trackword –  Read the directions! Write your numbered list of words on the back of the test.
3) Read something.
4) Nap. Just don’t snore.
5) Stare blankly (and silently) into space.