Monday, 1/29: Homework, (Finish Vladek?), Euphemisms, “Old Glory”

Copy homework into planner:

  • KBARR ! Read 15 minutes, get chart signed DAILY (in notebook), respond 1 page by Friday. Four signatures  (M, T,W,Th) due Friday.
  • Vocabulary  due Tuesday and Wednesday.
    • due Tuesday – Definitions in notebook.
    • due Thursday– Copy and Finish the SMYK’s

“Spelling, 1/29.” COPY! Use your SPELLING list.

  1.  friendly : hostile :: active : _____
  2.  its, whose, ____
  3. (2)  Sacramento : ______ :: Mr. Meinert : ______
  4.  The popcorn ____ exploded.
  5. (2) _______ books are ______?

Finish Maus for those classes that didn’t.

Art Spiegelman has said that the final page of Maus II really has at least three endings. What???

Euphemism (n – U FEM ISM): A “nice” way of saying something  unpleasant. eu- = “good.”

Examples: passed on = died, sanitation engineer = garbage man,

  1. visually disabled =
  2. solid waste =
  3. landfill =
  4. economically disadvantaged =
  5. correctional facility =
  6. vertically challenged =
  7. intentionally inaccurate statement  =

1 CCTV camera for every 11 people in the UK. You are likely to be captured on UK CCTV up to 70 times per day.  If you live/work in London, that number could be closer to 300 times/day.  (2022)

Is it worth it?

A look at the Bill of Rights. Why is #6 especially important?

The Sixth Amendment establishes a number of rights of the defendant in a criminal trial:

to a speedy and public trial
to trial by an impartial jury
to be informed of criminal charges
to confront witnesses
to compel witnesses to appear in court
to assistance of counsel[109]

Old Glory”  (PDF) Aloud.

Old Glory” (Audio)

Look at the heading and the format of the story. What’s the concept here?


What would a “Civic Responsibility” class be all about?  Duty?

Bonus: What is “Old Glory” a nickname for? Respond thusly in your notebook with a date:
“Old Glory” is the nickname for___________.
Bonus Two: Uncle Sam is a nickname for ________.

Read Aloud.