“Gramma, 4/25.” For a brief moment, Jimmy stupidly thought pigs flew with graceful birds across the sky.
Copy the list below and fill it in.
- Nouns (5):
- Adjectives (2):
- Verbs (2):
- Adverbs (?):
- Prepositions (3):
- *a, the = ______(s)
- _____
- _____
- _____ (not picturesque)
- _____
- _____ “You may fascinate a woman by giving her a piece of cheese.”
- When Mr. Coward refers to the “sea of red” on a test, you might say the results are ______.
- Some people are _______(ed) by cauliflower, but others find it tasty.
- The little cabin in the mountains was __________ and pretty, but it wasn’t very comfortable.
- The choir performance was _____ and had everyone in tears at its beauty.
- After staying up all night, he looked very ____ and worn out.
- The Latin root of this word meant “new.” _____
- The French roots of this word meant “to deceive, mock or ridicule.” _____
- The Italian root of this word meant “painter.” (ummm…duh.)
ESSAY—> BOB p304.
Use one of your Reason/Evidence/Sources to do like they show on p304. Now do 2 more.
Finished with all three reasons?
p305: Address an opposing claim. “Counter and Crush.”