I will be looking at PREVIOUS KBARR ALL WEEK.
“AW’s, 9/6.”|ambiguous, potential, mature, impact, valid, status
(One word used twice.)
- Since we were separated and without cell phone coverage, we didn’t know the ____ of the other group.
- The question was so _____, it was hard to choose the right answer.
- Doctors are worried about the new drug’s _____ side effects.
- You can always check the ____ of your grade on Aeries.
- Their bodies were ____, but they still behaved like children.
- KBARR has a large ____ on your grade.
- My main argument was not ____, so I lost the debate.
- BONUS: If the root valent means “feeling,” use the word ambivalent in a SM
“Sentence Scramble, 9/6.” Use every word. Do not break up the pieces. DO NOT ADD ANY WORDS. Rearrange the chunks until you get the right-sounding sentence. Write it down. There might be more than one way (bonus)!
“Don’t tell us that the old lady screamed. Bring her on and let her scream.”
-Samuel Clemens
He was talking about writing. What did he mean?
cool, pretty, fun, scary, weird, ugly
What does each of these things actually LOOK like?
These are actually opinions, NOT descriptions! (Yes, I know they are technically adjectives.)
What’s “cool” to you could be “gross” to me or your mom!
You need to show us what this looks, sounds, tastes, smells, feels like!
You need to describe in detail what this might LOOK/SOUND/SMELL/FEEL like:
Compare two examples…
Assignment: “My Room is Such a Mess” (don’t call it that, though) due next Wednesday, 9/13.
Show me the most nightmarish room imaginable. I want to feel, see, hear, taste (ewww), smell everything.
1 page (400+ words), Google Doc shared with me + printed, title. mess(y), gross, disgusting, dirty, stinky, etc. No opinions, just *WDILL?
(*What Does It Look Like?)
PLOT Mountain. Copy into your notebook on a fresh page! You will get to use it on tests. If you finish copying early, decorate it!
Where on The Mountain?
- “And they lived happily ever after.”
- The 5 W’s usually are given here.
- Nemo gets taken.
- Where most of the action usually occurs.
- Dad finds Nemo in Finding Nemo.
- A book with a sequel will sometimes leave out which two parts?
Link to Online version: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=cmljaGxhbmQyLm9yZ3xsYXdod3xneDoyNjgzNWEzYzVjNDUxOWZi