Tuesday, 8/27: Mr. Morton, Show not Tell, Vocab, Outsiders


“Subjects/Verbs, 8/27.” (10)  Name the SUBJECT and PREDICATE of each sentence below. Each answer should be two words only!

  1. My friend, the aloof llama, practices his guitar almost daily.
  2. With a groovy beat, the llama rhymed his words.
  3. He felt frightened in his dream of a giant, monster llama.
  4. The llama on a unicycle ate a doughnut.
  5. Because of his loneliness, the llama was a little sad.


“Don’t tell us that the old lady screamed. Bring her on and let her scream.”
-Samuel Clemens

He was talking about writing. What did he mean?

cool, pretty, fun, scary, weird, ugly
What does each of these things actually LOOK like?

These are actually opinionsNOT descriptions! (Yes, I know they are technically adjectives.)
What’s “cool” to you could be “gross” to me or your mom!
You need to show us what this looks, sounds, tastes, smells, feels like!

You need to describe in detail what this might LOOK/SOUND/SMELL/FEEL like:
Compare two examples

Assignment:  “My Room is Such a Mess” (don’t call it that, though) due next Wednesday, 9/4. 
Show me the most nightmarish room imaginable. I want to feel, see, hear, taste (ewww), smell everything.
1 page (350+ words), Google Doc with a title shared with me. mess(y), gross, disgusting, dirty, stinky, etc. No opinions, just *WDILL?

(*What Does It Look Like?)

“Vocab, 8/27” No need to copy anything; write the appropriate vocabulary word. You may use words more than once.

aloof, elite, wince, elude, incredulous, contemptuous, roguish, gallant, facade, ironic, asset

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____ (LOL)
  6. The gentleman _____(ly) opened the door for the ladies.
  7. At the party, he stood ______(ly) off to the side of the room, quietly watching the festivities.
  8. It was rather _______ that her dog was run over by an Animal Rescue vehicle.
  9. The root of this word meant “at a distance.”
  10. common : elite :: cowardly : ______
  11. gain : freedom :: _____ : capture
  12. The Socs are the _____ social class in 1967 Tulsa, Oklahoma.
  13. “Guess what I’ve been in jail for?” asked Dally, grinning ____(ly).

“Outsiders, 8/26.” Collaborative in notebook.

  1. How are Ponyboy’s feelings about being called a hood different from Dally’s?  Ponyboy is sort of _____, (p15) while Dally is ______. (p22)
  2. Why doesn’t Dally hit Johnny for telling him what to do? (p25)
  3. Why would someone like Johnny have someone like Dally as his hero? (p25)
  4. It seems that the main quality greasers prize and look for in each other is ______. (p26)
  5. What we mean when we say gang today Ponyboy would call a _____  (p26)