Monday, 3/27: Copy Homework, SAWs, Debrief Test 28, GMovie

Copy homework into planner.
Giver Project due Friday.

“SAWs, 3/37.” — Once each for the pix, once each for the sentences.
aspect, retain,  relevant, affirmative, discriminate

venn  Picture 8 5_Reasons_To_Retain_Employees-620x320  310px-Systemic_operations When-Can-A-Business

6. Their religion affects almost every ______of their lives.
7. He is old enough to _______right from wrong.
8. A landlord may _____ part of your deposit if you break the lease.
9. The ideas and observations expressed in The Outsiders are still _____today.
10. She gave a(n) ______ answer, not a negative answer.


Wheel Of Doom!

Debrief Test 28.  Ummm. Yeah.


Which changes/scenes are you going to use to try to prove your thesis?