Tuesday, 2/20: Homework, Commas, Correct Test #23, Art Spiegelman, Vladek

Copy homework into planner.

“Commas, 2/20!” Write ok if no commas are needed. Bonus: What is the symbol called that you use to show where a missing comma goes?

  1. If you don’t already know today we’re going to learn to cut and paste kids!
  2. Lloyd the Llama author of a best-selling book and renowned rocket scientist was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize for Poetry.
  3. The llama that she rode to the wedding looked very pretty.
  4. The llama jerky was soft but satisfying.
  5. Because the llama missed the bus he was late for his very important appointment.
  6. Please no smoking food or beverages in the classroom!
  7. Most of the time travelers worry about their luggage getting lost.
  8. I played video games for hours with my friend the llama.
  9. Sid waited for the llama to arrive so he could get a ride in his hot new Camaro.
  10. commas


Correct/Recollect Test #23.

Listening Exercise: Art Spiegelman interview excerpt. (1:30-3:07)
Questions to listen for answers for. Take notes now; quiz tomorrow.

  1. What do you think the opening quote about the 5000 pound mouse means?
  2. How does Spiegelman feel about Maus being taught everywhere in schools?
  3. According to Spiegelman, what is the real purpose of Maus?
  4. Why does he say comics are an especially good form for showing memories?
  5. What do you think the word ubiquitous means?

