Monday, 4/29 (27): Homework, SAWs, Debrief Test #30, Spelling, Tom Sawyer

Copy homework into planner.

“Spelling 4/29.”(7)

  1.  friendly : hostile :: active : _____
  2.  its, whose, ____
  3. (2)  Sacramento : ______ :: Mr. Calandro : ______
  4.  It is said that many stereotypes sometimes start with a _____ of truth.
  5. (2) _______ books are ______?  (Must get both.)


SAWs, 4/29.
economic (adjective): financial, related to money
multicultural (adjective): related to more than one culture
attribute (noun): skill, feature
attribute (verb): give credit for
facilitate (verb): to make a process easy or possible
distinct (adjective): different or noticeable

Each twice. Attribute 3x; 2 for the noun def. and 1 for the verb def. 11/11= +3, 10/11 = +2, 9/11 = +1.



Debrief Test #30.

Tom Sawyer, Chapter 16: The Plan. Also, Smoking.