ZoomaZoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/6580428380?pwd=SCs3NDRHcUJIbWE1SXdQVUdKUGpZdz09
Slides Link for Homies: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1TDdcI9lPb9M5UaR7wokOzHX1pYHM5zPreiV7q_OJ1Gg/edit?usp=sharing
Check in in Chat. PUBLIC! PUBLIC! What was the coolest, nicest, weirdest, or most surprising thing you learned from your interview?
Homework: KBARR, Vocab, Interview. NO 600. NO SMYK’s.
SGI Tuesday 3/2: Haven’t conducted your interview yet? Have an issue? Need to clear a zero? See you there. Don’t be late.
“Spellling Preview, 3/1 (3/2).” In notebook and PRIVATELY IN CHAT: Write the incorrectly spelled word correctly, or if they are all correct, write “all correct.”
- a) revision b) requirement c) believeable d) all correct
- a) insurence b) security c) separately d) all correct
- a) cooperation b) stumbling c) ignorance d) all correct
- a) maturity b) narative c) creative d) all correct
- What is the rule that all these spelling words follow?
- Bonus: Find the other spelling mistake in this warm up.
Debrief Test #11. #19 and #20?! Really? You WILL see those and the S/CD/CX ones AGAIN.
Interview Notes Examples. If yours look like #1, you have more interviewing to do.
I will be looking at Rough Drafts This Friday, 3/5 (Periods 1,2,3) and Monday, 3/8 (Periods 5,6).
Final Draft is due Wednesday, 3/10 (Periods 1,2,3) – Thursday, 3/11 (Periods 5,6).
Here’s what we want:
- Introduction: Setting. Description of scene/setting. How it was set up. Why you chose this person. Relationship to this person.
- Description of person. Show, don’t tell.
- Looks. (Details.)
- Voice and choice of words. Delivery.
- Personality. (Bitter? Enthusiastic? Happy? Lost in memories? Crabby? What?)
- The intro/description should be 350-400+ words.
- Interview.
- Questions you asked, followed by answers and follow up.
- You may summarize their answers, but please include at least three good quotes (word for word, as close as you can get) that use the person’s actual words.
- Conclusion: Discuss what you learned, most surprising info, most interesting, change in attitude toward older people, etc. About 75-100+ words.
- Come up with a creative title that sums up the interview.
- NOT THIS: “Elder Interview” (Hrrmmm.)More like THIS: “My Grandpa and his Jealous Chihuahua” (LOL)
- Extra Credit: pics.