Friday, 11/9: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #12

You know where the Perfect Papers go!

Prep sheet for Test #12:
KBARR: ___/15  Transitions: ___/6  ___/6  9/6   Vocabulary: ___13   ___/13  ___11
Other Extra Credit: SAWs?       Cerro San Luis?      Vocab Relay?     Husker Du?


Mental Floss.

  1. From what can you take away the whole, and still have some left?
  2. I am more microscopic than microscopic; I am more minuscule than minuscule. I am smaller than small and I am tinier than tiny. Yet surprisingly, I am still big. What am I?
  3. Wacky Wordy. What 6-word phrase is represented?

  4. Wacky Wordy: (2 words, one hyphenated)
    1. Do Do
    2. Dew Dew
    3. Due Due
  5. If men have two hands, and monkeys have four hands, what has three hands?
  6. A cat had three kittens: Mopsy, Topsy, and Spot. What was the mother’s name. Remember to please capitalize the name of the momma kitty when you write.
  7. What do these three things have in common? Corn, Weasel, Balloon


Test #12!

Doodle Theme: Wacky Invention.

Have a great 3-day weekend.


Thursday, 11/1: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test 11

Have a great 3-day weekend!

Prep sheet for Test #11:
KBAR CHART: ___/15   RBC Pills: ___/14  RBC Bus: ___/14    Vocabulary: ___/11 ___/11
Bonus for Proofreading: +___   18 points were possible. For every point above  15, give yourself +1.
Other Extra Credit: +3 for period 2 for Vocab Relay. Everybody else, +1.


Mental Floss.

  1. Shmartiopolis was bragging to his friends that he was such an excellent darts player, he could hit the dartboard in any location at any time. “I’ll bet a hundred dollars that, no matter what position you name on the board, I’ll be able to hit it from 10 feet away.” Maddy, tired of Shmartiopolis’s bragging, shouted out an answer and won the bet. Where on the dartboard did Maddy suggest? 
  2. Wacky Wordies:  a)  b) 22Day
  3. What 8-letter word uses the letter “g” four times?
  4. A tennis player is ranked number 200. He moved up 87, went down 28, and went up 117 places. What is he ranked?
  5. A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl with the unusual name of Pibbles. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Pibbles seven apples. Why?
  6. Use the clues below to figure out the missing four words to complete the old expression:
    Baby = Slept peacefully.  Child = Slept well.   Woman = Slept restlessly.   Man = Slept peacefully.
    —>The man ___  ___  ___  ___.

Test #11.

Doodle Theme: What Mr. Coward would be doing if he weren’t a teacher.

Monday, 10/22: Planners, SAWs, Debrief Test #9, TMA

Copy homework into planner.

“SAWs, 10/22.”
rely (verb) to depend
react (verb) to respond
alternative (adjective) other, different
justify (verb) to show or prove to be right; to defend
proportion (noun) fraction; compared amounts; amount as compared to a whole


  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____
  6. We had to come up with a(n) _____ for butter when we ran out.
  7. “Every action has an equal and opposite _____(ion).”
  8. My mom made me _____ why I needed a new phone before she said yes.
  9. Some of the money goes to cover expenses, but a large _____ is donated to charity.
  10. The whole village must ____ on one well for all its water.


Proofreading Practice I. Proofread up to the end of the first paragraph. List all the mistakes you find and how to fix them. +1 point for each correctly found and fixed, -1 for each missed and/or each wrongly corrected.

Debrief Test #9. Some classes did ok… Some, not so much.

Alyce Aloud.





Friday, 10/19: Paperwork, Mental Floss, Test #9 – End of 1st Quarter!

End of the First Quarter!

TMA Slang.
Corpus Bones = Christ’s bones = OMG
clodpole = foolish or clumsy person
nincompoop = fool
lackwit/nitwit = idiot


Prep sheet for Test #9.
KBARR: ___/40 TMA Quiz: ___/6    Transitions: ___/16
Vocabulary Homework: ___/20 Vocabulary Practice:___/14 ___/13 ___/13
Other Extra Credit: Periods 1 and 2 claim +3 for vocab relay, Periods 5 and 6 claim +2. If you knew from Tantalus, +1. +1 for Poppy. +1 for TOURNIQUET, +2 if you actually spelled it correctly.


Mental Floss = Wacky Wordies.


Test #9.

Doodle Theme: Cheese Rolling!

Monday, 10/15: Homework, SAWs, Debrief Test #8, TMA

Copy homework into planner.

“SAWs, 10/15.”

estimate (noun) a rough calculation
regime (noun) a government in power
displace (verb) to force from one’s home or homeland
diminish (verb) to make smaller; to become smaller
stable (adjective) not easily changed

6. (2) There is much debate about whether the United States should use its power to ____ _____(s) in other countries that are cruel to their people, or whether we should stay out of other countries’ problems.


Debrief Test #8.