Friday, 3/31: SRI, Work, Madlibs

Giver Projects due!


Click the blue RI icon on the lower left. Follow the directions. Make a note of your score. The last time we did this was 12/5. With any luck, we should have improved. Right?


  1. Work on your Giver Book v Movie blog post which is due Tuesday.
  2. Do the ETC Portal Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win a Kindle Fire.
  3. Start on next week’s vocab.

Thursday, 3/30: ELA Common Assessment, Day Three of Three

ELA Research Common Assessment, Day Three.

If you are finished, make sure your name is on it, and then print it and put it in the basket.

Your Chromie should remember the printer from last time, but if you don’t see a printer with D5 in the name, use the link below to add the classroom printer.

Print Link.

If you finish and print early:

  1. Work on your Giver Project which is due tomorrow.
  2. Work on your Giver Book v Movie blog post which is due Tuesday.
  3. Do the ETC Portal Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win a Kindle Fire.
  4. Start on next week’s vocab.



Monday, 3/27: Copy Homework, SAWs, Debrief Test 28, GMovie

Copy homework into planner.
Giver Project due Friday.

“SAWs, 3/37.” — Once each for the pix, once each for the sentences.
aspect, retain,  relevant, affirmative, discriminate

venn  Picture 8 5_Reasons_To_Retain_Employees-620x320  310px-Systemic_operations When-Can-A-Business

6. Their religion affects almost every ______of their lives.
7. He is old enough to _______right from wrong.
8. A landlord may _____ part of your deposit if you break the lease.
9. The ideas and observations expressed in The Outsiders are still _____today.
10. She gave a(n) ______ answer, not a negative answer.


Wheel Of Doom!

Debrief Test 28.  Ummm. Yeah.


Which changes/scenes are you going to use to try to prove your thesis?