Wednesday, 5/22 (10): Yee#2, MT Paragraphing, Vocab, Theme for English B, Tom


Go home and write 
 a page tonight. 
 And let that page come out of you— 
 Then, it will be TRUE.

Due next Friday!

“Warm Up, 5/22.”

  1. The word theme, as it is used in the poem yesterday, means…
  2. The word “true” in line #5 most likely means…
  3. “I am the only colored student in my class. …sit down and write this page”   He makes a big deal about how he gets home to do this paper because…
  4. (quote) Which line in the poem is about how his writing will be shaped by his experiences?
  5. Where does the name Mark Twain come from?
  6. (2) Name 2 jobs Mark Twain had.
  7. **(Bonus) What is Mark Twain’s real name?
  8. **(Bonus) YMCA stands for…  ____  ____’s  ____  ____

“Yee #2.”

  1. First American  Independence Day (M,D,YYYY):
  2. Draw a labeled diagram of what a day and a year are astronomically speaking.
  3. “In the _____, there was nothing but rock…”
  4. (Copy.) 10% of 250 = _________
  5. (Copy.) 24/40 = ______% = ______(letter grade)
  6. a) ______ books have been sitting b)_______ for a long time; I hope c) ______ coming back soon.
  7. Copy the sentence below and label each word with its part of speech.

Homer tripped very awkwardly, and hit his fat head on the door.

“Vocab 5/22.”  stolid, reconcile, loiter, abashed, cipher, labyrinth, forsake, vogue, conjecture, magnanimous

  1. The roots of this word meant “to bring back together.”
  2. There was a lot of ______ about what was in the Master’s book, but nobody knew for sure.
  3. For awhile fidget spinners were in ______.
  4. Soon, Tom will ______(ly) take a whipping for Becky’s wrongdoing.
  5. The roots of this word mean “throw together thing.”
  6. The root of this word meant “wag about.”
  7. The root of this word meant “to refuse.”
  8. The roots of this word meant “great soul.”
  9. The root of this word means “zero.”
  10. This word originated in Greek mythology.
  11. “Tom shivered head to heel; for his eyes fell upon the ____ face of Injun Joe.
  12. Given the safety requirements and protocols, the setup for the graduation was _____(ine).
  13. The roots of this word meant “to be utterly astounded.”

MT Paragraphing. Final Draft due Friday. The example will come down at the end of today.


Tom Sawyer p102…