Wednesday, 5/29 (6): FRP, YEE #5, Vocab, ASoT

“FRP, 5/28.”

  1. If DVD sales continue at the same rate, what can you predict about DVD sales in 2004?
  2. If they’re smart, what change will the owner of Movieland most likely make in 2003?
  3. When should they REALLY have made that change?

4. What is the only actual factual statement in the ad?
5. In this ad, what does the word raves mean?
6. The quote from Mick Slope is included to make you think…?
7. What important piece of information is missing from the ad?







“YEE #5. NDP upper right corner. Nothing on the back.

  1. Original Independence Day (M, D, 4-digit Y):
  2. COPY: 10% of 350 = _________
  3. COPY: 315/350= ______% = ______(letter grade)   (Hint: 35)
  4. Well, a) _____ at it again; b) _____ goes another one of c) ______strange cars.
  5. Choose a sentence below, COPY IT, and label each word with its part of speech.
       Homer tripped very awkwardly, and hit his fat head on the door.
       Beetle bravely endured their anger and cruel taunts in silence.
       He was a very scary bear, and we beat a hasty retreat from his lair.

“AlternaYEE, 5/29.”

  1. You have two coins that total 15 cents, but one of them is not a nickel. How is that possible?
  2. What is the volume of dirt in a hole 6 feet long, 8 feet deep, and 4 feet wide?
  3. A farmer had seventeen sheep; all but nine died. How many are left?
  4.  You are in a mountain cabin, and it is freezing and dark. The cabin has an old gas lantern, a wood burning stove, and an oil burning heater. You have only one match. Which do you light first?
  5. A fish weighs 10 pounds plus half its weight. How much does it weigh? (Not a trick; just math.)
  6. Write the equation for #5.

“Vocab, 5/29.” Each word used TWICE.  graft, infinitesimal, subtle, undulate, poise, resilient

  1. The root of this word is part of the word.___
  2. The root of this word meant “not easily understood.”____
  3. The root of this word meant “wave.”____
  4. The root of this word meant “weight.”____
  5. The roots of this word meant “leaping back.”____
  6. The root of this word meant “stylus.” (This is related to the other meaning of this word.)
  7. Mars has an atmosphere, but it is ______ compared to Earth’s.
  8. Mr. Travis said that the effects of time travel could be serious or _____.
  9. One sign of good mental health is that you are _____ when things don’t go exactly right.
  10. Ballet dancers have to be very ____(ed) and graceful.
  11. The landscaper _____(ed) a new limb onto the peach tree.
  12. The ground _____(ed) during the major earthquake.

More Paradoxes:

Zeno’s paradox: “You will never reach point B from point A as you must always get half-way there, and half of the half, and half of that half, and so on.”
What is this sum? 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 + …
Bootstrap paradox: You send information/an object to your past self, but you only have that information/object because in the past, you received it from your future self. This means the information/object was never created, yet still exists.

COMMON NAME: Tyrannosaurus rex
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tyrannosaurus rex
DIET: Carnivore
SIZE: 40 feet long and 12 feet tall
WEIGHT: Between 5.5 and eight tons
This fierce carnivore was optimally built for crunching through its meals, with a stiff skull that allowed it to channel all the force of its muscles into one bite—delivering up to six tons of pressure. This dinosaur used its 60 serrated teeth, each about eight inches long, to pierce and grip flesh, throwing prey into the air and swallowing it whole.

“A Sound of Thunder”