Thursday, 5/23 (9): Warm Up, Yee #3, Correct Test #32, Vocab, TS

“Tutorial” Schedule.

Tomorrow’s Test (Last One): English B, MT Facts, Vocab, Tom Sawyer

  • A Page due May 31.
    • One piece of paper.
    • Sincere.
    • On time.
    • “Authentically You”

“FRP, 5/23.”

    1. If you need calcium but want to avoid saturated fats, is this a good choice for you? WHY or WHY NOT?
    2. If you eat 2 pieces of this cheese, what percentage of your daily saturated fat limit does this supply?
    3. Approximately what % protein is this cheese?
    4. True or False? Most of the calories in this cheese come from fat.
    5. (3) What 3 important nutrients and/or vitamins are NOT provided by this cheese?







“Yee #3.  Name, Date, Period in upper right corner.

  1. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This is the most famous line of the ____(what), which was signed in ____(where – city, state) on ____ (when – M/D/YYYY).
  2. The opposite of the end is the ______.
  3. Draw a labeled diagram of what a day and a year are astronomically speaking.
  4. (Copy.) 10% of 110 = _________
  5. (Copy.) 99/110 = ______% = ______(letter grade)
  6. Well, a) ____ at it again; b) ____ goes another one of c) ____strange vehicles.
  7. Copy the sentence and label each word with its part of speech.
    He was a very scary bear, and we beat a hasty retreat from his lair.

“Alternayee, 5/23.” Anagrams. Outsiders, Midwife’s Apprentice, The Giver, Maus. (Not in that order.)

  1. Ye Mom Fierce Rover
  2. Mini Deaf Jew
  3. Apricots Do Ups
  4. Nine Pajama Legs

Correct Test #32. 

“Vocab, 5/23.” stolid, reconcile, loiter, abashed, cipher, labyrinth, forsake, vogue, conjecture, magnanimous

  1. Tom was rather ____ when he messed up the Bible study question in front of the whole village.
  2. After the scene in the graveyard, holding trials over dead cats was quite in ____ among Tom’s friends.
  3. Tom _____(ed) around the courthouse hoping to hear news about Muff.
  4. The escape room was like a ______ with a lot of false passages.
  5. Many NBA players are (un)_____(ed) Taylor Swift fans and don’t care who knows.
  6. The villagers _____(ed) that the boys had drowned when they didn’t come home for supper.
  7. His handwriting is so bad it is difficult to (de)______.
  8. Tom felt so _____(en) when Becky dumped him, and Aunt Polly unjustly punished him.
  9. Vladek kept getting angry at Artie because Artie didn’t care if the bank records didn’t ____ exactly.
  10. She was too _____ to resent all the things others had said to her.
  11. His _____ facial expression and silent nature…
  12. …made him a _____ to everyone. Nobody really knew him at all.

Tom Sawyer p124 –>